
Research Experience

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

Discover the unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in state-of-the-art research through the College of Engineering's Research Experience for Undergraduates (COE-REU) program. This prestigious program invites passionate undergraduates to dive into the dynamic world of engineering research, working alongside esteemed faculty and dedicated graduate students on groundbreaking projects.

  • Hands-On Experience: Engage in the daily operations of top-tier research labs, gaining practical skills that will set you apart in your future career.
  • Innovative Projects: Contribute to pioneering research, from designing and building circuits to performing measurements on professional-grade equipment and using advanced software tools for simulation and analysis.
  • Mentorship and Collaboration: Work closely with faculty mentors and graduate students, building relationships and gaining insights that will guide your academic and professional journey.
  • Publishing Opportunities: Transform from a knowledge consumer to a knowledge producer by co-authoring research publications, showcasing your contributions to the scientific community.
  • Showcase Your Work: Present your findings at the annual Undergraduate Research Colloquium, highlighting your achievements to peers, faculty, and industry professionals.

How to Get Started

  1. Find Your Advisor: Begin by exploring the Electrical Engineering Department's research page and faculty profiles. Identify the research areas and mentors that align with your interests.
  2. Make Contact: Reach out to faculty members to discuss potential research opportunities and arrange meetings to explore how you can contribute to their labs.

  3. Sign up for the new REU course: EGN 4930 – Advanced Undergraduate Research Studies course is designed to provide academic recognition for your REU activities and can count as an upper-level technical elective for up to 3-credit hours. Please contact eng-eeadvising@usf.edu when you are ready to sign up for the course after finding your faculty advisor.

For further questions related to the REU program, please contact our REU organizer:

Dr. Ashwin Parthasarathy | Office: ENB 257 | Phone: 813-974-7407 | Email