University of South Florida

College of Engineering

USF College of Engineering News

Department announces updates to MSIT program

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has made several modifications to the MSIT program beginning this Fall 2017. The program will have new requirements, rules, and courses meant to prepare students in important areas of the economy, as follows:

  1. New requirements: There are now 3 required core courses only. The IT Practicum is not a core required course any more but optional.
  2. New rules: With prior permission from the Graduate Director, students can take a maximum of 3 hours of Independent Study or Internship and up to twelve credit hours outside of the major, as follows: three credit hours from the MSCS/MSCE majors; three credit hours outside of the department (e.g. EE, IE, Math); three credit hours on business practice, project management, leadership, entrepreneurship, or similar; three credit hours on big data, data analytics, data mining or similar.
  3. New courses: There are new courses in Security, Big Data and Hadoop, Cloud Computing, Independent Study, and Internships, among others. Also, most of the courses will be hybrid (online and face to face), so international students can also participate.
In addition, there are new rules governing entrance requirements and graduation requirements, among others. A copy of the preliminary version of the new catalog with all the changes and details can be downloaded.

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