University of South Florida

College of Engineering

USF College of Engineering News

Fall 2020 Computer Science and Engineering Outstanding Graduates

Oustanding grads

Left to right: David Medina, Jacob Kilgore, Alexander Palasek

Sofia Keane, David Medina, Jacob Kilgore, and Alexander Palasek are Computer Science and Engineering’s Outstanding Graduates for the Fall 2020 term. Outstanding Graduates are graduating seniors from each major in the College of Engineering who have demonstrated excellence in leadership and scholarly activities. The College of Engineering honors these individuals at the Fall and Spring term Induction to the Profession Ceremonies.  

David Medina, Computer Engineering, will be working with Raymond James after graduation. “Being able to work on these projects and being able to meet new people while working on these projects would be a major part of what made my experience at USF worthwhile,” Medina said. “I have really enjoyed working on several Arduino projects in IoT System Design this past semester.” 

Jacob Kilgore, Cybersecurity, said being a member of the Whitehatters Computer Security Club and participating in competitions was a notable experience for him at USF. He also noted that overcoming coursework during COVID-19 was a big obstacle. 

Alexandar Palasek, Information Technology, plans to attend graduate school after graduation. He said he already feels nostalgic looking back on his time at USF. “I enjoyed the fun classes I took with Dr. Anderson, Dr. Hidalgo, and Dr. Lewis (Capture the Flag was definitely a treat!). I made some friends, had some laughs, and learned all the while,” Palasek said. 

Sofia Keane was named Outstanding Graduate for Computer Science.  

From CSE faculty and staff, congratulations on this momentous achievement.  

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