University of South Florida

College of Engineering

USF College of Engineering News

"Five Seniors presented Senior Project ""Mixed Reality C-130 Loadmaster Simulation for CAE USA"""


Alan Rodriguez, David Baerg, Jessica Womble, Ryan McBride, and Sara Savitz represented USF College of Engineering at the 2018 Florida-Wide Student Engineering Design Invitational held at UCF on April 19th. The students exhibited their BEST project titled "Mixed Reality C-130 Loadmaster Simulation for CAE USA". The Mixed Reality C-130 Loadmaster simulator, created by a team of USF Computer Science and Engineering students, uses augmented reality, incorporating both the real world and virtual reality into one view, to achieve an immersive training experience for a fraction of the cost. The Loadmaster trainee is responsible for safely loading and deploying cargo from a C-130 cargo bay.

The project was supervised by Assistant Professor Paul Rosen and was supported by CAE USA.

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