University of South Florida

College of Engineering

USF College of Engineering News

Graduate student Ghada Zamzmi featured as IAPR “The Next Generation”

Ghada Zamzmi

Ghada Zamzmi was featured in April 2017 IAPR (International Association of Pattern Recognition) Newsletter as "The Next Generation" of pattern recognition researchers. Ghada is a fourth year PhD student in the Department being supervised by professors Dr. Kasturi and Dr. Goldgof. Ghada has co-authored several conference and journal papers and is a member of IEEE.

Her research is about analyzing the behaviors and detecting the emotions of individuals who cannot communicate verbally using image processing and machine learning methods. Particularly, she is developing an automated multimodal system that continuously monitors several behavioral (i.e., facial expression, crying sound, and body movement) and physiological indicators of pain and utilizes them to predict an infant's emotional states.

For more information, see the IAPR newsletter that features her.

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