University of South Florida

College of Engineering

USF College of Engineering News

Graduate student Rekha Govindaraj receives Provost’s Teaching Assistant Award


Rekha Govindaraj received the 2016 - 2017 Provost's TA award in the STEM category for outstanding teaching by a Graduate TA. Rekha is a third year PhD student in the Department. Her advisors are Dr. Swaroop Ghosh (now at Penn State University) and Dr. Srinivas Katkoori. Rekha joined USF in Fall 2014, Rekha received a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.) from Visweswaraya Technological University and a Master of Technology from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Rekha worked as System on Chip design engineer with Qualcomm for two years prior to starting her graduate work at USF. Rekha has authored and coauthored several conference papers and two journal papers. She holds a US patent (US Patent 9,543,013). Rekha is a student member of National Academy of Inventors (NAI) USF chapter and Florida Gamma of Tau Beta Pi.

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