University of South Florida

College of Engineering

USF College of Engineering News

NSF Grant Awarded to Multi-Department Faculty

Tim Fawcett, Ken Christensen, Ann Eddins, Jeffrey Krischer, and Joseph Walton received an NSF grant totaling $495,645. The grant is titled: "CC*DNI Networking Infrastructure: Campus Research Network - High Bandwidth Private Network Path for Research Data from Experiment to Analysis and Back Again at USF".

The University of South Florida (USF) is building a Campus Research Network (CRN) to provide campus research laboratories high-speed connectivity to centralized USF High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities to facilitate scientific data-driven experimental work and to enable the analysis of extremely large data sets. The CRN is a dedicated 100 Gb/s Science DMZ connecting the USF Health Informatics Institute, the Neurophysiological Laboratory, and the Auditory & Speech Sciences Laboratory to central USF HPC resources. High performance data transfer nodes (capable of sustaining over 100 Gb/s read/write from/to disk throughput) are installed near the HPC resources as well as the laboratories to facilitate high-speed data transfers, allowing for data transferred to the cluster for analysis to be immediately available to all compute nodes.

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