University of South Florida

College of Engineering

USF College of Engineering News

REU Program Travels to Oviedo, Spain


The Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) and Study Abroad program, headed by Dr. Miguel A. Labrador, traveled to the city of Oviedo, Spain, from May 21 to July 29.  The participants were welcomed to Oviedo by the Mayor of the City, Mr. Wenceslao Lopez.  

During the trip, 10 students from the United States and six students from Oviedo collaborated in seven research projects under the mentorship of professors from the University of Oviedo and the University of South Florida.  At the end of the program, all of the groups presented their research results in a form of a conference paper and a poster, which were defended in oral presentations and a poster competition. In addition, students participated in a total of five workshops and visited one local company.

REU in Spain

With regards to the Study Abroad part of the program, the students attended a one hour per day course on Spanish Culture as well as participated in several cultural trips and local festivities in Oviedo and adjacent places. Trips were made to the pre-romantic buildings in Oviedo, Las Medulas, a historic mining site and the most important gold mine of the Roman Empire, Ponferrada's Templar Castle from the XI century, Tito Bustillos cave with 30,000 years old paintings, and the Camino to Santiago de Compostela, were among the cultural trips.

The closing ceremony of the trip was in the Paraninfo of the Historic building of the university and was presided by Dr. Santiago Garcia-Granda, Chancellor of the University of Oviedo.  Overall, this trip was considered to be a wonderful success.

Learn more about the REU program.

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