University of South Florida

College of Engineering

USF College of Engineering News

Simon Ou receives IEEE DSN Test of Time Award for “Using Bayesian networks for cyber security analysis”

CSE Professor Simon Ou, along with Peng Xie, Jason H. Li, Peng Liu, Renato Levy, received the Test of Time award for their project called “Using Bayesian networks for cyber security analysis.” This award recognizes two papers written 10 years ago at Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference of Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), in the DSN proceedings (research track, practical experience report or tool papers), that have had a sustained and important impact on the theory and/or practice of dependable systems and networks computing research. 

“This work started as a serendipity when some of the co-authors met and chatted in the ACM CCS conference more than ten years ago,” says Dr. Ou. “Having experts both on security and Bayesian Network allowed us to apply BN modeling to security reasoning in ways both rigorous and agile. We are very glad that the connections discovered in this paper between cybersecurity analysis and probabilistic graphical models have helped researchers and practitioners gain better understanding on the inherent uncertainty in data-driven security analysis as well as how to analyze such uncertainty.” 

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