University of South Florida

College of Engineering

USF College of Engineering News

USF ranks 31st out of 150 for Major League Hacking (MLH)


This group of USF students are some of the original students who all started attending hack-a-thons and representing USF.

USF ranked 31st out of 150 compared to 114th out of 150 last season. The success of Hack-A-Bull in March has played an enormous role in helping USF earn its ranking this 2018 season. Surpassing FIU, Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, MIT, and FSU, USF has made tremendous improvements.

Carlos Perez, organizer of Hack-A-Bull, is hopeful for USF future rankings of being in the top 20. "I am happy that Hack-A-Bull had a very successful first year event. Couldn't have been possible without Victoria Carlos, Kayla Cordero, Phil Monte, Stacy Kam, and Adrian Borrego for being a part of the Hack-A-Bull organizing team. Special Thanks USF Department of Computer Science and Engineering, MongoDB, JP Morgan Chase, Accusoft, CAE, Sofwerx for sponsoring the event. It's awesome that USF achieved a good overall ranking. At USF through SHPE, we welcome all to learn, build and share their ideas with our hacker community. Our motto is that we all learn what don't know and teach what we know. For this coming season we hope to rank in the top 20."

To learn more about MLH rankings, click here for 2017 season and here for 2018 season. To learn more about hackathons and competitions, check out MLH's site.

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