USF Team Startup Challenge


USF Team Startup Challenge Flyer

Welcome to the USF Team Startup Challenge!

Are you ready to transform your entrepreneurial dreams into reality?

The USF Team Startup Challenge is an exhilarating, all-day event crafted to ignite your innovative spirit and equip you with the skills needed to launch your own successful startup.

Why Participate?

  • Test Your Knowledge: Put your entrepreneurial theories to the test in a dynamic, hands-on environment.
  • Skill Building: Develop and hone essential skills such as strategic thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication.
  • Networking: Connect with fellow innovators, potential mentors, and industry leaders who can help elevate your startup journey.
  • Real-World Experience: Gain practical experience and insights that are crucial for any aspiring entrepreneur.

Real Problems You'll Address

During the USF Team Startup Challenge, you'll work in teams to solve common entrepreneurial problems, including:

  • Market Validation: Ensuring there is a demand for your product or service.
  • Customer Acquisition: Strategies for attracting and retaining your first customers.
  • Revenue Generation: Finding sustainable ways to generate income.
  • Cost Management: Budgeting and managing expenses effectively.
  • Competitive Analysis: Understanding and differentiating from competitors.
  • Scaling Operations: Planning for growth and managing scaling challenges.
  • Legal and Compliance Issues: Navigating the legalities of starting and running a business.
  • Technology Integration: Implementing the right technology solutions for your startup.

What to Expect

Student teams will be given challenging problems that most founders experience when launching a startup. Teams will be working alongside experienced entrepreneurs who will show them the ropes on what it takes to launch a business. 

The top teams can win prizes including dinner with a successful entrepreneur, free subscriptions to the latest business software and much more! 


For further information, please contact Frank Nunez at or Tim Ernest at