Student Emergency Fund
The Fund-A-Bull fund exists to support the financial wellness and personal wellbeing of our students. The fund aims to provide financial support when a verified emergency has impacted a student's health, safety, or wellbeing. The fund is not intended to be a means of total financial support. Rather, this fund is a supplemental financial resource when students are unable to meet immediate and essential expenses due to unexpected, unforeseen, and unavoidable circumstances. Students may apply for funds when they have exhausted all other resources, including student loans. This funding does not have to be repaid.
Assistance for emergencies will be limited to once per semester. Students who request an emergency grant for more than one semester will be carefully reviewed, and assistance approved for multiple semesters will be an exception and not the norm.
Types of verified emergencies that can be used to apply for the Student Emergency Fund:
- Medical treatments such as hospitalization,
- Medication/prescription expenses,
- Replacement of belongings lost in fire or natural disaster,
- Safety-related needs (e.g. lock change, emergency shelter, etc.),
- Food insecurity,
- Utilities.
Eligibility Requirements
- Must provide documentation of recent, short-term emergency need. Emergency funds are not intended to be a means of ongoing financial support.
- Completion of FAFSA if student is a U.S. Citizen, or eligible non-citizen. Student must utilize all financial aid available, including any student loan eligibility prior to submitting this application.
- Must be currently enrolled in a degree-seeking program to apply and at the time of award disbursement. Student Emergency Fund awards cannot disburse after the last day of the semester or session.
- Must be enrolled for the current academic semester. Financial assistance is based upon availability of emergency funds.
Supporting Documentation
- Documentation of the recent emergency examples:
- Reduced hours at work documented on a pay stub.
- Notice of loss of employment, student or family member.
- Permanent address located in natural disaster area.
- Police report regarding safety concerns and/or victim of a crime, or a copy of a medical bill.
- Copy of bills or estimates due to an emergency.
- Current bank statement, if student is not eligible to complete FAFSA.