Great Power Competition
GPC2 Speakers

University of South Florida
September 16-17, 2020
Virtual Event

Dr. Eric Eisenberg (Welcome Speaker), Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, University of South Florida

LTG (R) Terry Wolff (Welcome Speaker), Director, Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies

Mr. Todd Veazie (Welcome Speaker), Director, Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA), Pentagon Joint Staff

Dr. Rik Legault (Welcome Speaker), Department of Homeland Security

LTG (R) Michael Nagata (Keynote Speaker), Corporate Strategic Advisor and Senior Vice President, CACI

Mr. Robert Jones (Keynote Speaker), Deputy J5, SOJTF

Dr. Alexsandra (Aleks) Nesic (Panelist), JFK Special Warfare Center & School

MAJ. GEN. Alexus G. Grynkewich (Keynote Speaker), Director of Operations, U.S. Central Command

Dr. Gregory Seese (Panelist), Professor, Johns Hopkins

Dr. Les Grau (Panelist), Researcher Coordinator, USA Foreign Military Studies Office

Dr. Andrea Dew (Panelist), Senior Program Officer, USNWC

Leila Golestani (Panelist), Former Iran Advisor, USSOCOM Commander

Dr. Yaneer Bar Yam (Panelist), President and Professor, NECSI

Dr. Haroro J. Ingram (Panelist), Senior Research Fellow, GWU

Lt. COL Christopher Forrest (Panelist), NSC

Dr. Paul Sandberg (Closing Remark), Senior Vice President for Research, Innovation, & Knowledge Enterprise & President of the USF Research Foundation, University of South Florida