Professional & Career Development

Online Career Development Resources

The resources below can help you advance your graduate career and aid you in your professional and personal development. 


Career Planning Tools and Self-Assessments

An Individual Development Plan will help you explore career options and create a roadmap of how to get there. This plan will also help your faculty mentor give you the training you need for your chosen path. The following online tools will help you assess your skills, interests, and values, identify career options that align these, and learn more about various career paths.

  • myIDP - Created for biosciences, but is applicable to a broad range of STEM fields.
  • ImagineIDP - Built with the humanities and social sciences in mind but can be used by those in STEM fields as well. Explores many career options outside of technical careers.
  • ChemIDP - Developed by the American Chemical Society, this is best suited for students with chemistry or chemical engineering background.

Exploring Career Options

Discipline-Specific Career Resources

  • APA Career Development Website - Developed by the American Psychological Association, includes information on academic and nonacademic careers, career guides, job search advice and resources. 
  • iBiology Careers - Biologists can explore career options, improve professional skills, navigate training and learn what is happening in the biomedical workforce.
  • Connected Academics, by the Modern Language Association - MLA project aimed to help humanities doctoral students can use their training in a broad range of careers.
  • AHA Career Center - Career resources for Historians. Review their interactive online database, Where Historians Work, to learn about PhD career outcomes for Historians between 2004 - 2013.

Academic Job Search