The Deming wheel, commonly known as the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model, is widely used in various environments where continuous improvement is the goal. In fire safety, continuous improvement is crucial for protecting life and property. Although related OSHA standards do not change often, let's explore the benefits of applying the PDCA model to fire safety.
Management leadership is vital in this step. Management must spearhead efforts and ensure employee involvement. During the planning stage, identification and prioritization are key. This is an opportunity to review OSHA standards specific to your industry, identify new equipment or processes, and determine their priority.
This step involves defining operational elements and implementations. Qualitative and/or quantitative targets derived from the planning process are translated into actionable steps. Tools that may be used in this step include completing or reviewing your job hazard analysis, emergency action plans, and training materials.
Evaluations and corrections are completed in this step. Evaluations can be conducted through analyses, audits, and investigations. Depending on your workplace, this can be assessed through health risk assessments, injury and illness tracking, or employee input. Once data has been collected, corrective measures can be implemented.
A process for management review takes place in this step. This should be done at least annually or when changes occur. This ensures measures are effective, applicable, and suitable. Improvements should be documented and reviewed to see if objectives are being met.
Applying the PDCA approach can be a useful model whether you are checking the effectiveness of your existing fire safety measures or building them from scratch. Reducing hazards and incidents while increasing employee health and safety are key results in fire safety. Following PDCA may be the approach needed to improve fire safety in your organization.
Take the next step towards a safer workplace today! The USF SafetyFlorida Consultation Program is here to assist employers in navigating OSHA compliance and enhancing health and safety measures. Don't wait for an incident to occur—proactively improve your fire safety protocols now. For more information about workplace safety or to request consultation program services, visit our website at or call (866) 273-1105.
OSHA Fire Safety
ABCIPC Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems