
group of students

Become a public health professional with BullPEN

The COPH Bull Professional Engagement Network (BullPEN) program prepares students for their post-graduate careers by offering career planning workshops, career development seminars, alumni job talks and more.

June 21, 2024Student Life

woman in laboratory

USF projects selected for new research program bring the potential to solve critical challenges

Four interdisciplinary teams of USF researchers have each been awarded up to $1 million in seed funding through the Collaborative Research Excellence and Translational Efforts awards – a new initiative designed to catalyze new research and enhance USF’s impact. Two of the four projects include COPH faculty.

June 21, 2024Awards & Honors

Tired stress worker sweat from hot weather in summer working in port goods cargo shipping logistic ground.

Surviving the summer: Heat stroke prevention strategies

Heat stroke is a serious issue in Florida, particularly for outdoor workers like those in the construction industry. It underscores the importance of taking steps to prevent heat-related illnesses and injuries and to ensure the safety of workers who are exposed to excessive heat on the job.

June 21, 2024USF SafetyFlorida

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About Department News

Welcome to the USF COPH news page. Our marketing and communications team is entrusted with storytelling. Through written stories, photography, video and social media we highlight alumni, faculty, staff and students who are committed to passionately solving problems and creating conditions that allow every person the universal right to health and well-being. These are our stories.