Potential Hazards:
- Serious injury from burns
- Smoke inhalation
- Death due to entrapment by fire
These hazards can occur if a defective or empty portable fire extinguisher is relied upon in the workplace.
- CFR 1910.157(c)(4): The employer shall assure that portable fire extinguishers are maintained in a fully charged and operable condition and kept in their designated places at all times except during use.
- CFR 1910.157(e)(2): The employer shall be responsible for the monthly visual inspection of all portable fire extinguishers in the workplace.
Inspection Guidelines:
- Perform and Record Monthly Inspections: Include these inspections as part of regular facility safety self-inspections.
- Ensure Accessibility: Make sure the extinguisher is not obstructed by storage bins, file cabinets, or similar items and ensure it is mounted in a visible and easily accessible location during an emergency.
- Check the Tamper-Seal: Verify that the tamper-seal is intact and not broken or missing.
- Verify the Pull-Pin: Ensure the pull-pin is present and secure.
- Inspect the Pressure Gauge: Check that the indicator is in the operating range (the needle should be in the green portion of the gauge).
- Examine for Physical Damage: Look for any obvious physical damage, corrosion, leakage, or a clogged nozzle.
- Document Inspections: Record the monthly visual inspection on the back of the paper inspection tag.
- Annual Professional Inspection: Verify that the last professional annual inspection was performed and is current on the paper inspection tag.
Take Action Now! Ensure your workplace is safe and compliant. For more information about workplace safety or to request USF SafetyFlorida Consultation Program services, please visit www.usfsafetyflorida.com or call toll-free (866) 273-1105. Your safety is our top priority!