2016 Article Listing
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

OCG — Final Preparation!
This time, though, the campers have real laboratory experience under their belts, and the lab projects will be presented in the same style as an academic conference, with power points, images, graphs, and even formal dress.
June 30, 2016Girls Camp

OCG Food for Thought — Fish Banks
Today the girls participated in an activity called Fish Banks, a game that simulates the fishing industry (and my personal favorite part of OCG!).
June 30, 2016Girls Camp

OCG Labs — Sea Squirt Microbiomes
The girls of OCG were able to spend two half days at the Dishaw Lab in USF SP to help identify & explore characteristics of the microbes from a marine organism.
June 30, 2016Girls Camp

Coral Reef Cake
In order to teach the campers about the physical features and environmental factors at play on coral reefs, therefore, we have to rely on creating scale models.
June 27, 2016Girls Camp

OCG Labs – Electron Microscopy
In the Electron Microscopy lab, the girls learned how to use both of the most powerful, expensive microscopes available at the College of Marine Science.
June 27, 2016Girls Camp

OCG Labs – From Field to Mapmaking
The girls learned surveying, plant identification, and sediment sampling.
June 27, 2016Girls Camp

Career Days at OCG
On Career Day, campers are able to experience the diversity of jobs in the field of oceanography, and explore careers options.
June 25, 2016Girls Camp

The Loop – Episode 8: In the Mud in Mexico
The Loop takes a deep dive into the Gulf of Mexico with the researchers studying the processes, mechanisms, and impacts of after two mega oil spills, Deepwater Horizon and Ixtoc I.
February 26, 2016News

The Loop – Episode 7: The Ixtoc Spill: Reflections
The Loop takes a deep dive into the Gulf of Mexico with the researchers studying the processes, mechanisms, and impacts of after two mega oil spills, Deepwater Horizon and Ixtoc I.
January 30, 2016News