News Articles
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Spoonbill Ocean Sciences Tournament Bowl
Florida high school teams from the Panhandle to the Everglades will gather Saturday, February 16, 2019 to compete in the 15th Annual Spoonbill Ocean Sciences Bowl competition.
February 11, 2019Community Engagement

More on maternal transfer of PAH’s: species specific?
Ph.D. candidate Susan Snyder (USF CMS/C-IMAGE), who presented a poster at the conference, generated some interesting data that suggest PAHs are not transferred to the eggs of Golden Tilefish in significantly high quantities.
February 8, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

Stories of the Sea: Scientist-Author-Educator Speaks at USF St Petersburg
On Wednesday, February 6, 2019, students from the College of Marine Science met with Scales in a Q&A session that was followed by a public lecture on the USF St Petersburg campus titled, “Why Oceans Matter.”
February 8, 2019News

Deepwater Horizon oil spill impacts on deep pelagic fishes
At the GoMOSES conference on Wednesday morning, in Session 7, “Organismal Responses to Oil Exposure: From Individuals to Ecosystems.
February 7, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

The Blue Economy Imperative: Creating Sustainable Blue Growth
Water scarcity, climate change, and marine food shortages demand new Blue Economy initiatives.
February 7, 2019News

Benthic fauna in the Gulf: living in oily times
Yesterday’s Session 4 at the GoMOSES conference reminded me that “benthic fauna” also include fish that interact with the bottom creatures and with the sediment, such as grouper, snapper and tilefish, to name a few.
February 6, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

Ten-Year Assessment Study Finds Increased Vulnerability of Deep Sea Fishes to Oil Exposure
Scientists completed the first time-series study (2007-2016) of Gulf of Mexico deep-sea fishes and their exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) following Deepwater Horizon.
February 6, 2019News

GoMOSES 2019 – Tuesday night Poster Session
Featuring Brigid Carr
February 5, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

GoMOSES 2019 – Tuesday night Poster Session
Featuring Bryan O'Malley
February 5, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

Oil spill science conference GoMOSES 2019 begins with a flurry of workshops
The opening workshops of the 2019 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science (GoMOSES) Conference took place yesterday at the Hyatt Regency hotel in New Orleans, LA.
February 5, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

Outreach Booth Gives Students the Opportunity to Educate the Public on Marine Debris
On Saturday, February 2, 2019 students from USF College of Marine Science volunteered at the St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market to teach market-goers about marine debris and plastics.
February 5, 2019Community Engagement

David Mearns: Who is The Shipwreck Hunter that found Sala’s plane?
David Mearns led the team that found the footballer's plane - but it wasn't his first major find.
February 4, 2019News