News Articles
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

‘One Occupant Visible’ in Emiliano Sala Plane Wreckage – Investigators
The plane's registration number can be seen on the wreckage which is largely in one piece, shipwreck hunter David Mearns said.
February 4, 2019News

Don Chambers on NPR: to discuss Florida and Climate Change
Don Chambers will be a guest on a live broadcast on NPR Monday morning as part of the 1A show hosted by Joshua Johnson.
February 3, 2019News

24 hours of Oceanography: offshore buoy deployment and validation
Hard physical work, requiring sharp mental faculties amid rolling seas and unknowns, is just one aspect of field work that oceanographers must prepare for.
February 1, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

The Loop – Episode 12: Marine Technology Society (MTS) TechSurge
In February 2018, a pair of unrelated science conferences were hosted in New Orleans, LA during the same week: Underwater Intervention, and the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Sciences Conference.
February 1, 2019News

USGS – USF CMS can now monitor carbon off Florida coast
A recent collaboration between the two groups allowed for the successful deployment of a re-engineered oceanographic buoy with additional Ocean Carbon System sensors.
February 1, 2019News

Study Develops Algorithm to Detect Surface Oil and Thickness
Scientists analyzed spectral images of surface oil slicks and proposed a new method to determine oil distribution and thickness when high resolution imagery is not available.
January 30, 2019News

Mya Breitbart Elected as a 2019 Fellow into the American Society for Microbiology
Mya Breitbart, who has been elected as a new Fellow in the American Society for Microbiology in recognition of her groundbreaking achievements in studying viruses.

Mya Breitbart: Decoding Marine Mysteries With “The Virus Hunter”
Mya Breitbart, Professor of Biological Oceanography, never forgets how pivotal the hands-on experience she got through Girl Scout outings was to launching her career, from watching sea turtle eggs hatch to working on her first research cruise on the Great Lakes.
January 28, 2019News

Huge Sargassum Seaweed Blooms Again Threaten Florida, Caribbean and Mexico
Sargassum Seaweed Blooms Could Get Worse in 2019.
January 25, 2019News

A Novel Approach Reveals Element Cycles in the Ocean
Dissolved thorium isotopes light the way to a more thorough understanding of how different elements enter marine environments—and how long they stay there.
January 24, 2019News

View C-SCAMP’s bathymetry data in Google Earth
C-SCAMP now have files called GeoTIFFs available for download on several of their data product pages.
January 24, 2019News

USF CMS Welcomes New Employee, Dewey Riou III
Dewey Riou III joined the USF College of Marine Science as an IT Support Specialist after working as a Computer System Specialist at FWC’s Fish and Wildlife Research Institute.
January 15, 2019News