The Fish Ecology Lab, led by Chris Stallings, PhD, has conducted reef surveys on the West Florida Shelf for seven years. Through these surveys, lab members hope to not only understand how these communities are structured and distributed, but also how these communities may change over time with increasing demands from recreational fishing and climate change. Long-term datasets like those collected by the Fish Ecology Lab are key for driving policies that support healthy fisheries in Florida and ensure Florida remains the fishing capital of the world. Watch the video below to learn more about the lab’s reef surveys and see first hand the beauty the lies beneath the waves.
A Virtual Trip to the Reefs of the West Florida Shelf

A Fish Ecology Lab member surveys an artificial reef on the West Florida Shelf. Photo courtesy of the Fish Ecology Lab.
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Our blue planet faces a suite of challenges and opportunities for understanding and innovation. Our mission is to advance understanding of the interconnectivity of ocean systems and human-ocean interactions using a cross-disciplinary approach, to empower the next workforce of the blue economy with a world-class education experience, and to share our passion for a healthy environment and science-informed decision-making with community audiences near and far.