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Savannah Hartman at the Hawaiian Convention Center

Ocean Obs ’19: Poster session!

Hundreds of posters. Hundreds of people.

September 20, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

The opening slide welcoming all attendees to the Ocean Obs '19 conference was accompanied by a soothing ukele tune. Perfect mood music!

Ocean Obs ’19 decadal conference opens in Honolulu

Here on the island of O’ahu, the College of Marine Science’s Institute of Marine Remote Sensing (IMaRS) lab members are attending one of the most important conferences held for ocean users.

September 19, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

Week One: Painting with Bacteria! - “Who are you?” activity.

Girls Go Gaga Over Science

This blog whisks you through my summer doing marine science with Girls Inc—and you don’t even have to get your feet wet!

September 18, 2019Blogs and Perspectives, Community Engagement

Coasta Rica beach scene. Photo Credit: Erin M. Symonds

Transdisciplinary beach water quality investigation hits 2-year milestone

Multi-institution team supported by US NSF collected over 5000 beach surveys and hundreds of samples as they darted in and out of the waves of Costa Rica over 26 weekends.

August 30, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

Working the overnight shift, Grace Koziol, Brianna Michaud, Nicole Seiden, and Abby Blackburn (left to right) control the Bongo nets as they’re hoisted aboard the R/V Hogarth.

15-Year Study Will Collect Fish Eggs Across the Entire West Florida Shelf for DNA-Barcoding Analysis

This year, 2019, begins a 15-year monitoring program funded by the Florida RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Program.

August 21, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

Dr. Glenn Parsons speaking at the awards ceremony for the 2007 World Wildlife Fund SmartGear Competition for which he received Runner-Up for his work on shrimp trawl bycatch reduction. Photo courtesy of Glenn Parsons.

A Q&A with CMS Alum Dr. Glenn Parsons: Shark Man

Dr. Glenn R. Parsons, CMS alumnus, Class of 1987, is Professor of biology and Director of the University of Mississippi Center for Biodiversity and Conservation Biology.

July 10, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

Jay Law and Dr. Robert Weisberg prepare to board the Weatherbird II after installing wind sensors on a buoy newly deployed at sea.

Ocean Circulation Lab cruises to the Dry Tortugas

Physical oceanographic cruise draws participants from multiple disciplines across the USF System.

July 5, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

New moms. All the little specs on the bottom right of the photo are zoea (crab larvae). Photo by: Makenzie Burrows

A Seaside Science Surprise

For the past couple summers Dr. Mya Breitbart's lab has done outreach activities with Girls Inc. of Pinellas, an organization that inspires young girls to be strong, smart, and bold through afterschool programs and summer camps.

June 25, 2019Blogs and Perspectives, Community Engagement

Chris Moore making adjustments to the automated, flow-through pH sampler out at the mouth of Tampa Bay.

36 hours on a small boat: Bay to river carbonate system water measurements

Chris Moore, USFCMS student and employee of the USGS, recently completed river 4 of 4 in his dry season water sampling of Tampa Bay rivers as he embarks on a scientific census of sorts to describe the waters of Tampa Bay in relation to the threat of ocean acidification.

May 1, 2019Blogs and Perspectives, News

Scientists and artists converse at the Oil Spill Artwork Premiere and Deepwater Horizon Anniversary

Remembering the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Local artists and scientists gathered to commemorate the historic Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill that occurred on April 20th, 2010.

April 19, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

Maria Dornelas, Ph.D., speaking to the audience about gains and losses in biodiversity.

5 takeaways from ESLS talk #1

“Gains and Losses of Biodiversity”

April 17, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

Sean Gulick, Ph.D., describes to the audience the rock content found in the drill cores of the Chicxulub crater.

5 takeaways from ESLS talk #2

"Life and death by impact: Drilling for clues"

April 17, 2019Blogs and Perspectives

Mission Statement

Our blue planet faces a suite of challenges and opportunities for understanding and innovation. Our mission is to advance understanding of the interconnectivity of ocean systems and human-ocean interactions using a cross-disciplinary approach, to empower the next workforce of the blue economy with a world-class education experience, and to share our passion for a healthy environment and science-informed decision-making with community audiences near and far.