Rosenheim Group
Brad E. Rosenheim, Ph.D., Principal Investigator

Dr. Rosenheim is an isotope geochemist interested in establishing records of Earth’s climate variability and generating information about the carbon cycle that is intricately tied to climate. He mentors students interested in learning isotopic and geochemical techniques useful in their studies.
Joanna Kolasinski, Postdoctoral Fellow

Joining us from La Reunion, France, Joanna is a marine scientist with a wealth of experience in isotope geochemistry. Her post is supported by the CARTHE consortium, and she will be studying isotope indicators of oil in benthic marine sediments and in the water column. She is appreciative of the water’s proximity to St. Pete, but not the flatness compared to her native La Reunion.
Elizabeth Williams, Ph.D. Student

Elizabeth began her studies at Tulane in fall of 2009 after graduating from Howard University with a B.S. in Chemistry. She hales from the New Orleans region and is interested in applying carbon cycling studies to the region’s problem of disappearing wetlands. Elizabeth has a profound attachment to the carbon atom.
Alvaro Fernandez, Ph.D. Student

Alvaro joined the group in the fall semester of 2010, and has already presented his research at AGU. His current project focuses on using improved dating and precise radiocarbon measurements in corals and sclerosponges to discern changes in the flow of the tropical N. Atlantic over the last several hundred years. It will take him much less time to finish his degree at this rate, though.
Cristina Subt, Ph.D. Student

Cristina came to the group in 2013 for one orphan semester at Tulane University. During that semester, she participated in an Antarctic expedition as the group’s lone representative. Hoping to finally set roots as a contributing team member here in St. Pete, she will be working on applications of the ramped pyrolysis radiocarbon method to sediment chronology.