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First-years and Sophomores

This is not an exhaustive list of everything first and second years can apply for. These are simply some opportunities that we would like to highlight if you are early in your undergraduate career. Check them out below!

Fulbright U.K. Summer Institutes

The Fulbright U.K. Summer Institutes are three-to-four-week programs for rising sophomore and juniors (freshmen and sophomores). Participants can explore the culture, heritage and history of the U.K. while experiencing higher education at a UK university. Students are eligible to receive academic credit. Depending on the Institute, students will have the opportunity to study alongside leading academics and professionals, develop knowledge in specific fields, experience cultural and social events, and become an ambassador for studying in the UK, for the Fulbright Commission and their host institution(s).

Eligibility: Students must be a US citizen and possess a US passport, have had little or no study/travel outside of the US or North America, have a minimum GPA of 3.7, be at least 18 years old by the start of the program, be able to participate in the program in its entirety, and have at least two years of undergraduate study remaining after the Institute finishes.

When is the national deadline? Applications are due to the Fulbright UK Commission by early February.

When should you come see us? Students need to meet with Ms. Lauren Chambers and declare their intent to apply for the Fulbright UK Summer Institute Program in the fall semester (October).

What is the application timeline? Students will declare their intent to apply for the Fulbright UK Summer Institute Program in the fall semester (October), and begin working on their applications in the fall semester (October-December).

ONS Contact: Ms. Lauren Chambers,

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program

The U.S. Department of State's Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is a grant program that enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad.

Eligibility: US Citizen, undergraduate, Pell Grant recipient, credit-eligible program

When is the national deadline?               

-Early October for following spring, summer, and fall programs

-Early March for following summer, fall, and spring programs

When should you come see us?

-August or early September for October deadline

-January or early February for March deadline

What is the application timeline? Students will begin working on first drafts of application essays one to two months before the national deadline (after our initial appointment). Students often move at their own pace in the drafting process, getting through as many drafts as they feel comfortable within the time period. We will review essays up until a week before the national deadline.

ONS Contact:

Barry Goldwater Scholarship

The Goldwater Scholarship Program, one of the oldest and most prestigious national scholarships in the natural sciences, engineering and mathematics in the United States, seeks to identify and support college sophomores and juniors (by year of graduation) who show exceptional promise of becoming this Nation's next generation of research leaders in these fields. Selected students will receive a stipend for academic and research support for their remaining years as an undergraduate.

Eligibility: Goldwater applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents aspiring toward obtaining a PhD or MD/PHD. Applicants must also have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Candidates who are aiming to obtain a master’s degree in a STEM area are not eligible and pre-med candidates are also ineligible.

Undergraduates with one or more years of deep dive research experiences are ideal candidates. Candidates must have a significant role in the research project(s) on which the Goldwater application research paper will be written. Completed research, and not research proposals, are desired. At least a significant study pertaining to the research question being used to apply must be complete at the time of the application. Papers either in submitted or published status, as well as presentations in local, regional or national conferences are preferred. USF can only nominate 4 students plus one student transferring from a 2-year institution. Therefore, there is a campus review process associated with choosing nominees. The review committee meets in December, reviews the application dossiers in its entirety and chooses nominees based on (A) strength and intellectual merit of research (B) preparation and steps taken towards completed research (C) career goals and (D) leadership and Broader impacts of research and extracurricular activities related to STEM.

When is the national deadline? Last Friday of January of every year.

When should you come see us?  ONS will usually recruit and mentor potential Goldwater candidates early in their freshman year. But we realize that we will not be able to reach all students who are involved in research. Ideally the first Goldwater assessment meeting should take place at least a year prior to the application, but it should be no later than the August before the January when the application is due.

What is the application timeline? August through December of every year, Goldwater candidates (pre-nomination) work under the guidance of Dr. Sayandeb Basu and individual PI’s to prepare the application for Internal Competition and Review. In December, the USF Goldwater committee meets to review the applications. Final nominees are chosen first week of January, and in the time remaining, nominees work under the guidance of Dr. Basu and their PI’s to refine and finalize applications for submission.

ONS Contact: Dr. Sayandeb Basu,

Harvard-Kennedy Public Policy Leadership Conference

Harvard Kennedy School’s Public Policy Leadership Conference (PPLC) is a three-day intensive workshop that aims to inspire talented and driven first- and second-year undergraduate students to pursue careers in public policy and become future leaders in public service. Participants experience what it is like to study public policy in a graduate school environment.

Eligibility: First- or second-year undergraduate student; US Citizen, permanent resident, or DACA recipient; minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA

When is the national deadline? Early November

When should you come see us? September (or start of fall semester)

What is the application timeline? Students will begin working on first drafts of application essays one to two months before the national deadline (after our initial appointment). Students often move at their own pace in the drafting process, getting through as many drafts as they feel comfortable from August through the national deadline. Applicants submit the name of one recommendation letter writer in early September when they declare their intent to apply, and drafts of the letters will be due for feedback in mid-October.

ONS Contact:

Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship Program is designed to increase undergraduate training in oceanic and atmospheric science, research, technology, and education and foster multidisciplinary training opportunities. The scholarship awards financial assistance for two years of full-time study and a 10-week, full-time paid internship at a NOAA facility during the summer. Applicants must be a full-time 2nd year student in a four-year academic program or a full-time 3rd year student in a five-year undergraduate program.


  • U.S. citizen

  • Be currently enrolled or accepted as a full-time 2nd year student in a four-year academic program or as a full-time 3rd year student in a five-year undergraduate program at an accredited college or university within the United States or U.S. territories; Community college or transfer students must provide proof of application to a four-year institution when applying for the scholarship and submit proof of acceptance prior to starting the program

  • Earn and maintain a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent on other identified scale) in all completed undergraduate courses each term and cumulative, as well as an overall GPA of 3.0 in your major field of study. The grade point average requirement applies prior to and at the time of application for a scholarship, for the period between application and award notification, and after award distribution

  • Have and maintain a declared major in a discipline including, but not limited to, oceanic, environmental, biological, and atmospheric sciences, mathematics, engineering, remote sensing technology, physical and social sciences including geography, physics, hydrology, geomatics, or teacher education that support NOAA's programs and mission

  • A competitive applicant will have research, or outreach activities pertaining to climate, and ocean science, already started or ongoing at the time of the application.

When is the national deadline? Typically, January 31st unless otherwise advertised on NOAA website.

When should you come see us? For an applicant already involved in research and/or other activities related to NOAA’s mission, a first assessment meeting in October is preferred. Students must declare an intent to apply no later than November 1st. 

What is the application timeline? 3 months working with ONS consistently

ONS Contact: Ms. Lauren Roberts,

Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program

The Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program is a six-week summer program designed to provide undergraduate students with a greater understanding of current trends and career opportunities in international affairs. This program encourages the application of members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service. Students attend classes and participate in a variety of programs with foreign affairs professionals in Washington, DC.

Eligibility: US Citizen; full-time undergraduate students, with at least sophomore status; minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA

When is the national deadline? Early February                                                        

When should you come see us? October

What is the application timeline? Students will begin working on first drafts of application essays three to five months before the national deadline (after our initial appointment). Students often move at their own pace in the drafting process, getting through as many drafts as they feel comfortable from October through January. Applicants submit the names three recommendation letter writers in early October when they declare their intent to apply, and drafts of the letters will be due for feedback in early December

ONS Contact:

Udall Scholarship

The Udall Foundation awards scholarships to college sophomores and juniors who demonstrate leadership, activities in public service, and commitment to issues related to Native American nations or to the environment.

Eligibility: Be a sophomore or junior in good academic standing with a track record of advocacy and experience in public policy, community engaged work, leadership, and/or research focused on the environment, tribal policy and/or the health care of the Native American nations. Individuals who work on issues related to Native American nations must be an enrolled member or a descendant in first or second degree of an enrolled member of a state or federally recognized Indian tribe or band, including any tribe or band terminated since 1940.

 You should answer “yes” to these questions:

  • Are you working towards positive solutions to environmental challenges or to issues impacting Indian country?
  • Have you demonstrated your commitment to one of these areas through public service? Do you inspire and motivate others to take action? Are you committed to making a difference through civility and consensus building?

When is the national deadline? Early March

When should you come see us? First and second year students should meet with us in the spring semester (approximately one year before applying). Students must participate in the pre-application process the spring before the deadline.

What is the application timeline? Potential candidates are nominated in the spring of their first or second year and undergo an extensive internal review process to be endorsed to apply for the Udall Scholarship through USF. The following summer and fall semesters, applicants undergo a structured process of drafting application essays, learning about public policy, and other professional development. In early fall, applicants submit the names of three recommendation letter writers and drafts of the letters will be due for feedback in early November.

ONS Contact: Dr. Sayandeb Basu,