News and Events
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Alumni Spotlight: Winnie Mulamba
Winnie Mulamba was in the class of ‘19 at the Patel College of Global Sustainability with the academic concentration in Water Sustainability. Currently, Winnie is an Executive Director and is leading two sustainability collectives: Florida For Good (FFG) and B Tourism (BT), which are generating impacts on the local industry.
February 1, 2023Alumni Highlights

“Breastfeeding: A Foundational Strategy to Strengthen Sustainability in Infant Nutrition and Development” by Dr. Joseph Dorsey and Marian Davidove, M.A., RDN
Dr. Joseph Dorsey co-authored Chapter 17 in the Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Diets with PCGS alumna and Nutritionist, Marian Davidove, M.A., RDN. The chapter is entitled “Breastfeeding: A foundation strategy to strengthen sustainability in infant nutrition and development” and highlights how initiating breastfeeding early in a child’s life is the cornerstone for implementing a sustainable diet with long-term positive effects.
February 1, 2023Faculty News, PCGS in Publications

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Joseph Dorsey
Dr. Joseph Dorsey is a faculty member and Associate Dean at the Patel College of Global Sustainability. Learn more about Dr. Dorsey’s background in sustainability and his thoughts on Black History Month as we are highlighting and celebrating contributions by African Americans at PCGS.
February 1, 2023Faculty News

PCGS Student Kaylin Strauch was Awarded the 2023 Amy and Michael Drake Scholarship
Contiuing the PCGS tradition of recognizing and supporting outstanding students, PCGS awarded Kaylin Strauch the 2022 Amy and Michael Drake Scholarship. Amy and Michael Drake and Kaylin attended the Scholarship Award Luncheon with Dean Govindan Parayil, and PCGS faculty and staff.
February 1, 2023Events, Scholarships

PCGS Alumna, Kaitlin Davis is Featured On Baynews9 with her Sustainable Work at Fat Beet Farm
“It’s definitely a labor of love”, said Kaitlin Davis, Patel College of Global Sustainability graduate with a concentration in Food Sustainability, about her current career at Fat Beet Farm. Fat Beet Farm focuses on sustainable farm-to-table products by using a hydroponics and aquaponics systems. The location also opened a kitchen and bakery to deliver food to visitors who crave for healthy and delicious farm to table meals.
February 1, 2023Alumni Highlights, Global Sustainability News, Scholarships

PCGS Students Partnered with Tampa Interantional Airport (TPA) on an Electrification Study with Dr. Pradeep Haldar
By staying “on board” with the Tampa International Airport, PCGS continues to provide comprehensive collaborative projects with leaders in the industry. Students from the Sustainable Business Concentration at PCGS have been working with the Sustainability and Innovation team at Tampa International Airport to provide recommendations to achieve Net Zero goals as part of their electrification effort.
February 1, 2023Faculty News, Global Sustainability News

PCGS Students Assist the Tampa Bay Government with Environmental Stewardship
From compassion to action. Tampa’s Green Team, with the participation of several graduates of the Patel College of Global Sustainability and people who want to give back to the community, participate in a environmental stewardship program launched in partnership with AmeriCorps and Volunteer Florida. The team concentrates on planting trees, cleaning litter and debris from greenspaces, and attending community events. For their work, these PCGS graduates receive support toward their living expenses, education, career advancement opportunities, and potential forbearance of federal student loans.
February 1, 2023Global Sustainability News, Scholarships

Student Spotlight: Angela Fama
Angela Fama is a graduate student at the Patel College of Global Sustainability pursuing a Master’s in Sustainable Business with a certificate in Climate Adaptation and Mitigation. Furthermore, Angela is the President of GLOBE, or the Global Leaders Outreach for a Better Environment, an action and outreach organization originated at PCGS.
February 1, 2023GLOBE

Dr. Brooke Hansen: Publications and Grants to Promote Sustainable Development
Dr. Hansen published two articles recently showcasing her work on sustainable tourism, agritourism, virtualization technologies, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The first is based on her work promoting sustainable agritourism expansion in the State of Florida and was published in the Proceedings of the 2021 FoodTreX Food Travel Research Summit by the World Food Travel Association.
April 21, 2022Faculty News