University of South Florida

Patel College of Global Sustainability


Jack West - Visualization Technology for Sustainable Tourism

Student: Jack West

Concentration: Sustainable Tourism

Jack West, a student at the Patel College of Global Sustainability, combined his passion for wildlife sciences with the field of sustainable tourism. The core of his project revolved around the innovative use of visualization technology to enhance the sustainable tourism experience in West Central Florida.The project spurred from his fascination with visualization technology and its potential application in sustainable tourism sites. At the heart of his project was Matterport technology, a real estate standard for creating 3D models of properties. Using Patel College's Pro 2 camera, West ventured into applying this technology beyond its conventional uses, to focus specifically on sustainable tourism sites.

Site Location(s): Egmont Key, Fort DeSoto, and Gamble Creek Farms

The creation of 3D models of these sites not only adds a new dimension to understanding and appreciating sustainable tourism but also paves the way for future innovations in this field and documenting the vibrant ecosystem. Fort DeSoto expressed interest in integrating the findings into their digital platforms. "The experience has reinforced my belief in the power of technology to revolutionize sustainable tourism and its potential to make a lasting impact on local communities and ecosystems," West wrote.

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Discover how the Patel College of Global Sustainability nurtures a community of bold change-makers that drive meaningful progress towards a more sustainable world. These inspiring student projects unveil the power of sustainability and highlight the revolutionary solutions created to tackle pressing environmental challenges.