Fraternity & Sorority Life
Councils and Chapters
interfraternity council
The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is a student-led governing body, who prides itself on exhibiting and promoting the values of scholarship, leadership, brotherhood, service, and integrity. The major events IFC hosts during the academic year are IFC Recruitment (fall and spring), IFC Bid Rally (fall and spring), Social Excellence Workshops (fall and spring), Preeminent Man Program (fall and spring), and the Shriner’s Showcase Philanthropy (spring).
IFC President | | |
IFC Staff Advisor | Travis Crudele-Roberts | |
Register here for IFC Recruitment
IFC Chapters (click to expand)

Beta Theta Pi
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Delta Tau Delta
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Phi Delta Theta
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Pi Kappa Alpha
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Sigma Alpha Epsilon
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Sigma Phi Epsilon
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Zeta Beta Tau
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram
Steps to Join an IFC chapter
Recruitment takes place each Fall and Spring semester, typically around the 2nd or 3rd week of classes, and lasts no more than 10 days total.
Step 1: Sign up for Recruitment at and pay the non-refundable registration fee.
Step 2: Day 1 - Attend Orientation and Open House. There will be a presentation from the IFC Executive Board (Orientation) and afterwards will be an opportunity for a rotational meet and greet with each chapter (Open House).
Step 3: Day 2+ - Potential New Members (PNMs) can attend any chapter Open Events they wish. Open Events are accessible to anyone going through recruitment, without having to RSVP or receive an invitation; its an opportunity to explore all of the fraternities offered, get to know them more, and ask questions.
Step 4: Last Day - Potential New Members (PNMs) may be extended an invitation to attend chapters' Closed Events. Closed Events are invite-only in which the PNMs explore the chapter more deeply. Some chapters may have Alumni in attendance, or have formal interviews, and is usually a more formal/business casual attire. If you need assistant in formal/business attire, please visit the Career Services Sut-A-Bull website.
Step 5: Bid Day - On the final day of recruitment, Potential New Members (PNMs) must attend Bid Selection and the optional Bid Rally event. PNMs may be extended one (1) or more membership invitation/bid to any of the fraternities within IFC. After meeting with IFC during Bid Selection to confirm acceptance of membership/bid, PNMs will now become New Members of the chapter. New Members can then attend an optional Bid Rally in the evening to celebrate and congratulate everyone on joining the IFC community.
Please note: Membership invitations/bids are not gaurenteed. Receiving a bid is contingent upon multiple factors and is up to the discretion of the chapter, which may include, but not limited to: grades, conversations taking place between PNMs and chapter's, and whether the PNM matches a fraternity's membership criteria.
Next Steps: New Members of the chapter begin and finish the education process. Chapters all have different lengths in the New Member Education (NME) process - from 72 hours to 8 weeks.
If you have additional questions, please visit the Councils and Chapters page for
contact info.
Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)
The Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) is a student-led governing body founded at USF in 2001. MGC consists of culturally-based organizations such as Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA), Latinx/a/o, and Multicultural. Regardless of their cultural orientation, membership is open to all who have an alignment with the values of the organization and an interest in serving these communities. The major events MGC hosts during the academic year are the Summer Yard Show (Summer), New Member Presentations (Fall and Spring), MGC 101 (Spring), and MGC Week (Fall).
MGC President | | |
MGC Staff Advisor | Zaria Hudson | |
MGC Chapters

alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Chi Upsilon Sigma Sorority, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Delta Epsilon Psi Fraternity, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Delta Tau Lambda Sorority, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Lambda Theta Alpha Sorority, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Lambda Theta Phi Fraternity, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Pi Delta Psi Fraternity, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram
Steps to Join a MGC Chapter
The Council DOES NOT coordinate each organization's membership growth events; is done by each particular
Step 1: Attend the MGC/NPHC Convocation. Convocation is an event to learn about the community
and which organizations we have to offer. It is typically held in the first two (2)
weeks of each Fall and Spring semesters. To know the date, time, and location, please
check out our FSL social media pages for more details (@usf_fsl)
Step 2: Attend an organization's Informational session, Interest Meeting, or Intake/Recruitment
event. These meetings/events will provide an overview of their organization as well
as the requirements and additional steps needed to join. Ways to find out about these
- Ask the Fraternity and Sorority Life staff
- Attend the particular organization's Week of Welcome (WOW) or other events
- Attend the Council's Informational Session
- Look out for flyers on bulletin boards across campus
- Look at the respective organization's social media pages
- Contact the individual organization
- Look for information on each organization's local or national websites
Please note:
- Some organizations allow first time in college (FTIC) and transfer students to join right away,
- Some organizations require more minimum requirements, such as completing at least 12 credit hours at USF before joining, submitting transcripts, submitting resumes, etc.
- Some organizations do not have intake/recruitment every semester.
If you have additional questions, please visit the Councils and Chapters page for contact info.
National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is a student-led governing body for the nine (9) historically Black Greek-lettered organizations, often referred to as "The Divine Nine," and was chartered at USF in 1992. Regardless of their cultural orientation, membership is open to all who have an alignment with the values of the organization and an interest in serving these communities. NPHC has 4 sororities and 5 fraternities. Each of the nine NPHC fraternities and sororities were designed to foster brotherhood and sisterhood and serve as conduits by which action plans could be formulated to influence social action and change in the community. The major events NPHC hosts during the academic year are Summer Yard Show (Summer), New Member Presentations (Fall and Spring), NPHC Week (Spring), and the Extravaganza Step Show (Fall).
NPHC President | | |
NPHC Staff Advisor | Zaria Hudson | |
NPHC Chapters (click to view)

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram
Steps to Join a NPHC chapter
The Council DOES NOT coordinate each organization's membership growth events; is done by each particular fraternity/sorority.
Step 1: Attend the MGC/NPHC Convocation. Convocation is an event to learn about the community and which organizations we have to offer. It is typically held in the first two (2) weeks of each Fall and Spring semesters. To know the date, time, and location, please check out our FSL social media pages for more details (@usf_fsl)
Step 2: Attend an organization's Informational session, Interest Meeting, or Intake/Recruitment event. These meetings/events will provide an overview of their organization as well as the requirements and additional steps needed to join. Ways to find out about these events:
- Ask the Fraternity and Sorority Life staff
- Attend the particular organization's Week of Welcome (WOW) or other events
- Attend the Council's Informational Session
- Look out for flyers on bulletin boards across campus
- Look at the respective organization's social media pages
- Contact the individual organization
- Look for information on each organization's local or national websites
Please note:
- Some organizations allow first time in college (FTIC) and transfer students to join right away,
- Some organizations require more minimum requirements, such as completing at least 12 credit hours at USF before joining, submitting transcripts, submitting resumes, etc.
- Some organizations do not have intake/recruitment every semester.
If you have additional questions, please visit the Councils and Chapters page for contact info.
Panhellenic Association (PHA)
Panhellenic Association (PHA) is student-led governing body, comprised 10 chapters full of outgoing, philanthropic and academically minded women. The chapters strive to make a difference in our communities and promote growing, serving, empowering and respect with each other! All 10 chapters have a house in Greek Village. The major events PHA hosts during the academic year are Primary Recruitment (fall), Panhellenic Pride Events (fall and spring), and Circle of Sisterhood Week (fall).
PHA President | | |
PHA Staff Advisor | Nathan Sese | |
PHA Chapters (click to view)

Alpha Delta Pi
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Alpha Omicron Pi
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Delta Delta Delta
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Gamma Phi Beta
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Sigma Delta Tau
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram

Zeta Tau Alpha
BullsConnect Page
National Website
Chapter Instagram
Steps to Join a PHA chapter
Formal Recruitment takes place in the Fall semester, usually around Labor Day weekend, and lasts 5 days in total.
Step 1: Sign up for Recruitment at and pay the registration fee.
Step 2: Attend Orientation. PHA will present an overview of the community, expectations, and days of recruitment. Orientation is also where Potential New Members (PNMs) meet their Recruitment Counselors, or Rho Gamma's. Rho Gamma's are initiated members of PHA sororities who have temporarily disassociated from their organization in order to serve as guides for the entirety of Recruitment.
Step 3: Day 1 to Day 4 - Recruitment Rounds. All Potential New Members (PNMs) must attend the Recruitment events they are invited to over the course of each day.
Step 4: Day 5 - Bid Day. This day is when all Potential New Members (PNMs) may receive a bid and celebrate joining the PHA community.
Step 5: Week 1+ - New Member Education (NME). Once a Potential New Member (PNM) accepts a bid, they become a New Member of the chapter, then begin and finish the education process.
Please note:
- Membership invitations/bids are not gaunreteed, and not everyone receives a bid.
- Receiving a bid is contingent upon multiple factors including, but not limited to, grades, the conversations taking place between PNMs and chapters, and whether the potential member matches a sorority's membership criteria.
If you have additional questions, please visit the Councils and Chapters page for contact info.
Order of Omega (OOO)
Order of Omega (OOO) is a student-led governing body, and represents the top 3% of our FSL community. The Beta Lambda chapter exemplifies high standard in the areas of scholarship, leadership, and involvement within their organization, fraternity/sorority community and local community.
OOO President | | |
OOO Staff Advisor | Shalyn Lucas | |
BullsConnect Page | National Website | Chapter Instagram |
In the spirit of transparency and accountability, the report found below outlines the conduct history of fraternities and sororities overseen by the Center for Student Involvement at the University of South Florida throughout the last three years:
Fraternity and Sorority Life Conduct History
unrecognized chapters/groups
The Student Organization Handbook and the USF Student Code of Conduct defines a student organization as a group of currently enrolled University of South Florida students who unite to promote a common interest, who are recognized by the university as a registered student organization. USF requires all fraternities and sororities to be affiliated with a governing council under the umbrella of Fraternity and Sorority Life within the Center for Student Involvement as well as requiring a larger, inter/nationally-based organization who provides additional supervision, guidance, and programming on a wide variety of topics.
Please note: students affiliating with an unregistered student organization, including fraternities and sororities not recognized by Fraternity and Sorority Life/USF, may be held individually responsible for actions stemming from membership in the organization through the USF Student Code of Conduct. Students who join organizations who have no affiliation with the University and/or inter/national organization(s) are not provided liability insurance or direct advisor support and are more likely to fall victim to academic, judicial, legal, or other problems while involved.
Unauthorized expansion/extension activities, such as "campus crashing", "ghost lines," recruiting or soliciting membership, pre-initiation activities, pledging, educating and/or initiating USF students without having approved recognition through Fraternity and Sorority Life will not be allowed. Some organizations may portray themselves as registered student organizations. Additionally, any potential chapter (otherwise known as an entity) and/or chapter operating at USF must be working toward or have a charter which designates itself as a chapter at USF. City-wide/metro chapters are not permitted at USF.
Please note that the following fraternities and sororities are not considered registered student organizations at this time and have no current affiliation with USF:
- Alpha Tau Omega
- Beta Chi Theta
- Chi Phi
- Chi Phi Sigma
- Delta Chi
- Lambda Chi Alpha
- Sigma Sigma Rho
- SigEx
- Verdandi