
Election Rules & Resources

The Election Rules Commission is here to support and conduct elections. Below are resources and election guidelines. 

Senators and Campus Council Representatives (Legislative Branch) are elected once a semester - during the midterm election (October) and general election (February) and serve one year terms. Midterm Senators/Campus Council Representatives will serve out the current year they are elected to (October to May). The Student Body President/Vice President and the respective campus Governors/Lt. Governors (Executive Branch) are elected during the general elections and serve a one-year term beginning in late Spring (May to May).

Vote Online

Go to https://services.votenet.com/usf to cast your vote. You will use your NetID and password to login. 

Should you be given a voting error please contact the following per campus to request a paper ballot:

Tampa: Chris Bullins at bullins@usf.edu 

St. Pete: Janice Bao at jbao@usf.edu  

Sar/Man: Cassandra Benjamin at cbenjamin1@usf.edu  

Questions? Contact the Election Rules Commission Supervisor at SG Supervisor of Elections!