About Us
Make a Referral
how to refer a client to victim advocacy
Victim advocacy services are completely voluntary, meaning no survivor is required to work with our department.
If a student or staff member identifies that they are wanting advocacy services, you can email us the following referral:
To: va@usf.edu
Subject: Victim Advocacy Referral
CC: [survivor's email] *if a survivor does not identify a safe email method for them, do not CC them to the email
I am emailing to refer a [student/staff member] for Victim Advocacy services. They have identified they they want services and they were aware prior to this referral that I would be reaching out on their behalf. Their name is (full name) and their U# is (U# here if available). Their nickname is (nickname here if applicable) They have confirmed the following methods of communication are safe:
Email: [survivor's email]
Phone: [survivor's phone number]
Is it safe to leave a voicemail: [yes/no]
[your name]