About Us

health education action team (heat)
HEAT is a group of trained peer health eductors who work directly with the Center
for Student Well-Being. Members of HEAT strive to promote holistic wellness through
educational presentations and campus events, informing USF students on wellness resources,
ways to live a healthy lifestyle, and how taking care of yourself can improve your
success as a student.
Each Spring semester, the Center for Student Well-Being recruits new peer health educators
to join the team. Accepted PHEs attend a week-long department led training program
prior to the start of the fall semester. All of our peer health educators are also
certified through NASPA CPE program. Peers attend weekly meetings and ongoing training,
and conduct outreach on various wellness topics throughout campus such as through
their "Shaggin Wagon" Campaign. They also play a vital role in the planning and coordination
of signature events like "Paws & Relax."
HEAT is a OneUSF initaitve and is affiliated with the national collegiate peer education
organization NASPA CPE. For more information on NASPA and the CPE certification, visit
Certified Peer Educator (CPE) Training (naspa.org)