About Us
When should I submit a Request to Partner?
You should submit a request to HCPS as soon as you begin to consider applying for a grant or begin to conceptualize your research project. The School District would like to be involved in the early states so they can assist with the identification of potential collaborators/sites and can identify any issues that may need to be addressed before they can agree to participate.
Who is authorized to provide a letter of support for my grant?
The Superintendent is the only person authorized to provide a letter of support on behalf of HCPS. Even if someone offers to write a letter of support for your project, HCPS will only honor proposals that include a letter from the Superintendent.
How long does it take to get a letter of support for my grant?
Please plan for a two week turn-around for letters of support. It may be possible
to obtain a letter in less time if all of the district personnel who need to review
and approve the proposed project are available to do so as well as the speed of your
response to their questions about the project. During review, district personnel
may have additional questions that need to be addressed or adjustments to the proposed
project may be necessary to implement the project at school district sites. Once district personnel
have their questions and concerns addresseed and they provide their feedback for the
project, the letter is forwarded to the Superintendent for her consideration.
Can HCPS provide financial support for my project?
It may be possible for HCPS to provide in-kind support but requests for direct financial support are not possible.
Is the Head Start Program part of the HCPS?
Yes, the school system serves as a delegate agency and provides services in 91 Head Start classrooms. For additional information, please contact Marie Caracciola, Director of Early Childhood & HOST Programs at Marie.Caracciola@sdhc.k12.fl.us
What other factors does the School District consider before approving a project?
District personnel review the project to ensure it has the potential to have a clear benefit to students, teachers, and/or the district. Therefore, it is important that you clearly state these benefits in the Request to Partner form. They also consider the workload that the project might place on teachers or other school personnel (even if it will be compensated) as well as time taken away from direct instruction.
Is it possible to propose a project with the HCPS that includes a randomized control trial?
Yes. However, randomization at the student level may be viewed as withholding a potentially valuable intervention for students and hence, leads to questions of equity. The District is more likely to support a project that randomizes at the school building level than at the student level. The decision to allow randomization is not taken lightly; if the research project/grant absolutely needs randomization, it is important to clearly explain why it is necessary – and how it is not inequitable for the students. It is also helpful to make provisions within the project to provide the intervention to all students, control and participants, once it would not confound the project (e.g., with a project that has a professional development for teachers, randomized by schools, the control school teachers get the professional development at the conclusion of the project). Quasi -experimental designs, where feasible, may increase the probability of approval by the School District.