Web Requests & Resources

Website Migration Process

Instructions for Content Managers

The first step in the content migration process is to review the Website Migration Checklist, and then to read the CMS User Guide, which also contains the technical manual. If you know what section within the technical manual you need to refer to, then you can view our list of "cheat sheets" for quick access. 

Next, you will need to complete the wireframe forms outlined in the CMS User Guide. The guide includes very specific instructions to help you complete the forms. You will need to complete one form for each page of your new website. The forms are interactive; please type your content directly into the forms.

Please note that if you responsible for more than one website — for example, you may be responsible for your main college website, as well as a dozen or more departmental websites within your college — then feel free to do one website at a time.

Also note that you do not need to wireframe content that will not migrate into the CMS, such as your applications, databases, online forms, etc. Those types of content will be assessed by IT at a later date.

Once you've completed your wireframe forms, email your forms to your CMS Liaison. After your content has been reviewed and approved by your CMS Liaison, IT will begin the process of setting up your website directory, and you will begin training. Once training is complete, you'll be granted access to the CMS to begin your content migration.

If you still have questions after reading the guide, or if you have concerns about completing this process, please email your CMS Liaison to request a consultation.

Please email CMSsupport@usf.edu if you are unsure who is in charge of your unit's CMS migration.