Web Requests & Resources

Reorganizing an Existing Site

planning a revamp?

As colleges, departments and other units grow and evolve, content managers with existing websites in the CMS are increasingly being tasked with high-level website reorganization projects. These projects usually involve moving existing pages into new or revised website sections, renaming pages and sections, revamping home pages, rewriting content, archiving old content, redirecting existing pages, and more. 

Before moving forward with such a project, please consult the following guide to website reorganization. As with a new website launch, you will work alongside our CMS team to plan and build your site and to schedule your re-launch. 

If working on a reorganization project tied to consolidation, we also encourage you to reach out to your counterparts across all three campuses to discuss and decide upon the specifics of your website.

(If you're creating a new site or your existing site has not yet migrated into the CMS, see instead the Website Migration Process.)

first steps

Conducting a website audit and preparing a complete content inventory are the critical first steps in the website reorganization process. As the owners of and experts on your content, you know best what needs to stay, what needs to go and what needs to be moved where. Using the CMS User Guide as a reference, audit and categorize your existing content for deletion or revision and decide on any new content. 

Once your content inventory is complete and you've created all your new content, it is time to begin the wireframe process. Complete the wireframe forms just as you would with a brand new website. You will need to complete one form for each page of your new website. The forms are interactive; please type your content directly into the forms.

Reach out to your CMS Implementation Team

Please send your completed wireframe forms to your CMS liaison. Our team will review your forms and reach out with further instructions. You can expect to have at least one in-person meeting with your CMS liaison to discuss the specifics of your project.

Depending on the scope and complexity of your reorganization, you may also be required to fill out a spreadsheet indicating such information as: website section and page name updates, redirects, archiving, and more. 

The CMS Implementation will work alongside you to create test folders and pages within the architecture of your existing site, and you will complete the migration of new and updated content. Please do not build any pages or folders without the instruction of the CMS team.

Launching Your "New" Site

Once your site is ready, you will schedule a launch with the CMS team. New content will be published to production, old content will be renamed, revised, or archived, and your home page will be updated to reflect the new/updated content. You may be required to assist with archiving and redirecting. 

Questions? Please don't hesitate to submit a CMS Support Intake form or for urgent requests reach out to the CMS Implementation team.