About JMLC
Benefits to ROTC Students

As the only Joint Military Leadership Center (JMLC) at a college or university throughout the nation, University of South Florida ROTC students will gain some unique benefits:
- Gain a better undestanding and appreciation for the capabilities, limitations and culture of each military service and the challenges and value of joint operations.
- Participate in joint planning and inter-service cooperation between the ROTC students and cadre across all the military services.
- Learn about joint operations and meet with a variety of military officers/non-commissioned officers at major Unified Combatant Commands (U.S. Central Command and U.S. Special Operations Command) at MacDill AFB.
- Discover the value of Combined Operations and be introduced to the military services and cultures of international partners through interaction with the Coalition of Nations at U.S. Central Command.
- Participate in a variety of joint activities and programs, including inter-service competition sponsored by the JMLC.