Virtual Global Exchange
Resources for Fulbright Recipients
Below you will find streamlined resources identified to help you begin the process of developing a future virtual global exchange (VGE) from the connections and partnerships from your Fulbright experience. Please review these materials before your departure, take note of resources that you can share with potential partners abroad, and work with our VGE representatives upon your return.
- Enhance Your Fulbright Award flyer from USF World
- What is Virtual Exchange video from the Stevens Initiative
- Virtual Exchange overview flyer from the Stevens Initiative
- Virtual Global Learning Explained handout from USF World
- USF Virtual Exchange Introduction video
- Powerpoint presentation for Fulbright Scholars and how to keep VGE in mind while abroad
- Partnership benefits flyer for potential collaborators
- Partner Interest Form for potential collaborators (not being facilitated directly by you)
- Faculty workshop flyer with information on available faculty training through Canvas
- Or register directly for a faculty workshop online to help with virtual exchange design and connect you with USF's VGE representatives
- Faculty Interest Form to help organize you and inform our VGE representatives of your interest in incorporating an exchange into a particular course