Global Citizens Award

Global Citizens Project and Award

The Global Citizens Project (GCP) is a program that creates curricular and co-curricular activities for undergraduate students within the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The aim is to help students engage with global issues, cultivate their cultural awareness, and promote their global competencies.

Being a global citizen can mean many things, but at the heart of it all is being able to engage meaningfully and effectively with people, places, events, challenges, and opportunities.

For the purposes of the Global Citizens Project, USF has identified three primary qualities possessed by a global citizen based on the research of Hans Schattle in his book, The Practices of Global Citizenship (2008):

Global Awareness
Explore your role in the world.  Prepare to change your world!

Global Responsibility
Connect with people, places, and issues.  Live beyond your borders!

Global Participation
Participate to make a difference locally and globally. Do something that matters!

Award Requirements

There are five requirements for completing the award and one optional component:

  1. Attend a Start Your Adventure Workshop. You will be enrolled in the course after completing an SYA workshop. SYA workshops are hosted every month and you can find them on BullsConnect. 

  2. Attend and document eight global events (typically lasting 1 hour). Global Events are listed on our BullsConnect Events web page, and on the GCA Canvas course calendar.
  3. Complete and document TWO globally focused activities. You may complete the same type of activity twice. However, the activities must be unique.

    • Foreign Language Coursework (6 credit hours at level 2200 and above)
    • GCP Certified Coursework (6 credit hours)
      • Courses must have the GCPC attribute to count. You can find the list of GCP certified courses with the GCPC attribute on the course inventory page.
    • USF sponsored study abroad (1 week minimum)
    • Undergraduate Research (45 hours)
    • Community Service (45 hours)
    • Internship (45 hours)
    • Operation Global Action
  4. Complete a final reflection of the activities

  5. Compile your activities into a Canvas ePortfolio

  6. OPTIONAL testimonial video

Click the button below to submit a Global Event for the Global Citizens Award.

Students can complete the award in two (2) full semesters and a maximum of six (6) semesters. However, you must submit assignments EVERY Fall and Spring semester that you are enrolled in the course, or you will be considered inactive and dropped from the course.

Students wishing to start the GCA can begin by attending one of the upcoming Start Your Adventure workshops (search for Start Your Adventure on BullsConnect).


Q: Am I eligible to receive the Global Citizen Award (GCA)? 
A: Yes! This award is open to any undergraduate student, on any USF campus, pursuing any major!

Q: What do I have to do to earn the Global Citizen Award (GCA)? 
A: The list of requirements can be found on this webpage. 

Q: When can I begin earning the GCA? 
A: You can begin earning the award at any time as long as you have at least 2 full semesters left, as this is the minimum allowable time to complete the award.

Q: How do I begin earning the GCA?
A: To begin, you will need to attend the Start Your Adventure workshop.The Canvas "course" is self-led, meaning there are no due dates. You simply upload the required documents for each requirement as you complete them. 

Q: Am I able to submit activites I completed prior to enrolling in the GCP course? 
A: You can submit any items that would qualify as a Globally Focused Activity. However, you cannot use events that you attended prior to enrollment since you need to submit a reflection within 7 days of the event per the requirements of the award.

Q: How long does it take to complete the GCP?
A: This award can be completed in as little as a year (two full semesters), however, it is recommended to give yourself as much time as possible. 

Q: What do I earn by completing the Global Citizens Project?
A: The biggest item that you earn during your GCA journey is the experiences working with and learning about different aspects of our planet as well as different cultures across the globe. Upon graduation from USF you will also:

  • Be recognized at the GCA Graduating Senior Ceremony that will occur a weekday prior to Commencement.
  • Receive your GCA certificate and medallion.
  • Get your name listed as a Global Citizen Award recipient in the commencement program.
  • Have your achievement of earning the GCA listed on your transcript.

Q: I have more questions regarding the GCA. Who do I contact?
A: Send an email with any questions to the Office of High Impact Practices and Undergraduate Research at