

The mission of the USF College of Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Computing is to transform the role of computing technologies in society by focusing on three key areas:


Delivering High-Demand Academic Programs

Deliver a comprehensive range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional majors, both disciplinary and interdisciplinary, in AI, cybersecurity, and computing. The majors are pedagogically effective and designed with high standards to be rigorous, relevant, and meet the current and future needs of industry, government, and society.


Advancing Research Excellence

Focus on innovative investigations and technological advances to elevate the state of AI, cybersecurity, and computing research. Push the boundaries of knowledge in our fields, facilitating collaboration and innovation across all academic disciplines and fostering an environment that encourages curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking.


Promoting Ethics and Trust

Instill a deep sense of responsibility in our students and faculty, emphasizing the importance of secure and trustworthy technology. Through research, curricula, industry partnerships, and community engagement, promote ethically driven policies and practices that protect privacy, ensure security, and foster social good.