

Photo of John Henson

School of Geosciences PhD student travels to France to study rock samples for Chateaubriand Fellowship

A PhD student in the School of Geosciences, John Henson, attained the prestigious Chateaubriand Fellowship in the Spring of 2022.

December 11, 2023Honors and Awards, Research

Photo of Professor Yasin Elshorbany

Yasin Elshorbany: Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Awardee

The Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award program celebrates exceptional teaching at the undergraduate level, recognizing those who go above and beyond to foster student learning.

December 7, 2023Honors and Awards

Photo of a birdhouse

Welcome New Academic Program Specialist: Angelika Hart!

Letter of Introduction from Osvaldo Meireles: Please join me in welcoming Angelika Hart as the new Academic Program Specialist for the School of Geosciences!

November 29, 2023Department News

Image of Center for Geochemical Analysis

Welcome Lab Manager for the Center for Geochemical Analysis (CGA)/ICP lab, Shannon Letscher!

Letter of Introduction from Dr. Joni Downs Firat: I want to formally introduce you to our new teaching and lab manager for the Center for Geochemical Analysis (CGA)/ICP lab, Shannon Letscher.

November 9, 2023Department News

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

With community help, USF developing app to show neighborhood-level flooding, climate risks

The USF Initiative on Coastal Adaptation and Resilience will use outreach efforts similar to this town hall meeting on flooding to get community input on the CRIS-HAZARD app USF is developing in partnership with Georgia Teach Community.

October 17, 2023Community Engagement

Graduate students Sophia Gutierrez and Elizabeth Royer conducting the quarterly beach survey after Hurricane Idalia

‘The perfect storm:’ Idalia leaves Florida beaches vulnerable to future inclement weather

A University of South Florida expert on erosion and coastal resiliency is working with Pinellas County to help identify beaches in need of nourishment following Hurricane Idalia, which washed away parts of the coast as it roared past Tampa Bay earlier this month.

September 13, 2023Research

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

Study looks at why Florida beaches severely eroded after Idalia

It's been a week and a half since Hurricane Idalia slammed Florida's Big Bend, and the coastline is still recovering from significant beach erosion. Researchers out of University of South Florida are studying these impacts a bit closer and why it was particularly this bad for this area.

September 5, 2023Research

sideview exterior of jet on a runway

USF geoscientist creates oceanic tracking model to urge investigators to revive search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight

The new method can reconstruct the drift path and origin of debris from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which went missing over the Indian Ocean with 239 passengers onboard.

August 23, 2023Research

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

USF receives $1.5 million national grant to develop app that identifies climate risks in vulnerable coastal communities

A $1.5 million National Science Foundation grant will allow researchers to develop a web-based application that gathers crowdsourced data in coastal communities to identify flooding risks and inform policy.

August 15, 2023Research

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

Hurricane hunting to beach erosion: USF prepares next generation for weather-related expertise

Students from across the state and nation are heading into the height of hurricane season more knowledgeable about the weather and climate.

August 3, 2023Research

Dr. Jennifer Collins (left) and Yijie Zhu (right) after a graduation ceremony.

USF alumnus thankful for mentorship shaping research on inland hurricane impacts

In 2022, USF alumni Yijie Zhu graduated from the School of Geosciences with a PhD in geography, environmental science, and policy.

July 25, 2023Alumni News, Research

University of South Florida: A Preeminent Research University

USF researchers work to create a safer, more prepared Florida for hurricane season

The 2023 hurricane season has officially begun and University of South Florida researchers are exploring ways to increase safety and preparedness across the state.

June 6, 2023Research

About Department News

A collection of articles showcasing the latest achievements, scholarly contributions, and exciting updates from our accomplished students, faculty, and staff. Stay informed and inspired as we celebrate the dynamic accomplishments within our Geoscience community.