Department News
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Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: 2020

Grant Awarded to SIGS Professors Dr. Jolaosho and Dr. Ponton
Dr. Omotayo Jolaosho and Dr. David Ponton have been announced as the successful grant applicants for the Understanding and Addressing Blackness and Anti-Black Racism in our Local, National and International Communities Projects.
September 9, 2020Honors and Awards

Belarus, explained: How Europe's last dictator could fall
Belarus’s President Alexander Lukashenko has a reputation as a master tactician. Now his luck may be changing after 26 years in power due to the unprecedented political crisis after the Aug 9th presidential election. Dr. Kulakevich explains how Europe’s last dictator could fall.
August 20, 2020Department News

Belarus's president looks for his sixth election victory on Saturday. He has a well-used playbook to win.
The Belarusian authorities have responded with a brutal crackdown on protests challenging President Lukashenka's claim to a landslide victory in Sunday's elections. What does this tell us about the survival of autocratic regimes? SIGS Professor Dr. Kulakevich provides answers.
August 8, 2020Department News

The Belarus government is largely ignoring the pandemic. Here's why.
Despite nearly 5000 confirmed cases and 40 deaths, Belarus remains the only country in Europe denying the coronavirus danger. Why does the government hold fast to this denial of the coronavirus threat? SIGS Professor, Dr. Kulakevich provides answers.
April 21, 2020Department News

Pompeo to Visit Minsk: Why Is the US Defrosting Ties With Belarus?
SIGS Professor, Dr. Tatsiana Kulakevich, wrote an article titled “Pompeo to Visit Minsk: Why Is the US Defrosting Ties With Belarus?” where she discusses the significance of Mike Pompeo's visit to Belarus.
January 31, 2020Department News

Dr. Kissi's New Book "Africans and the Holocaust: Perceptions and Responses of Colonized and Sovereign Peoples"
Department of Africana Studies and SIGS Professor Dr. Edward Kissi covers the Holocaust’s impact on surrounding regions in his new book “Africans and the Holocaust: Perceptions and Responses of Colonized and Sovereign Peoples.”
January 7, 2020Department News