

Name Title Research Areas
Aranda, Elizabeth Professor Latina/o Sociology, Migration/Immigration, Racial and Ethnic Relations
Biafora, Frank Professor
St. Petersburg campus
Crime, Law, and Deviance, Children and Youth, Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility, Methodology
 Cavendish, James C.  Associate Professor Race, Class, Gender, Collective Behavior/Social Movements, Religion, Quantitative Methodology
 Crawley, S.L.   Professor Sexualities, Gender and Body, Qualitative Methodologies
 Curry, Emelda

Professor of Instruction
Graduate Program Coordinator
ISS Undergraduate Program Director, Tampa campus

Family, Racial and Ethnic Relations, Cultural Anthropology
Friedman, Jennifer  Associate Professor Alcohol and Drugs, Qualitative Methodology, Sociology of Food
 Graham, Laurel  Associate Professor Theory, Consumer Culture, Environment
 Green, Sara Professor
Department Chair
Gerontology, Disabilities, Medical Sociology
 Hao, Feng

Associate Professor
Graduate Director
Sarasota-Manatee campus

Environmental Sociology, Public Opinion, Statistics, Survey
 Jacobson, David  Professor Globalization and Transnational Sociology, Political Sociology, Immigration and Citizenship 
Kusenbach, Margarethe Professor
Urban Sociology, Social Psychology, Qualitative Methodology
Maddanu, Simone Assistant Professor of Instruction  Migration/Immigration, Collective Behavior/Social Movements, Urban Sociology, Environmental Sociology, Qualitative Methods
Marquez, Alejandro  Assistant Professor Collective Behavior and Social Movements, Political Sociology, Latina/o Sociology
Marwah, Vrinda  Assistant Professor Global and Transnational Sociology, Medical Sociology, Political Sociology, Sociology of Sex and Gender
 Miller, Byron Associate Professor
Associate Chair of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
St. Petersburg campus
Mental Health, Social Stratification, Racial/Ethnic Minorities, and Interracial Romance
 Padilla, Beatriz Associate Professor
Race, Class, and Gender, Public Policy, Migration/Immigration
 Partin, Christina  Professor of Instruction Teaching and Learning in Sociology, Education, Technology
Ponticelli, Christy Associate Professor
Associate Chair of Sociology
Animals and Society, Sexualities, Knowledge
 Skvoretz, John Distinguished University Professor Theory, Mathematical Sociology, Social Networks 
Sloan, Melissa Professor
Sarasota-Manatee campus
Social Psychology, Emotions, Mental Health, Organizations, Occupations, and Work
 Sommer, Jamie  Associate Professor Environmental Sociology, Sociology of Development, Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility, Health, Quantitative Methodology
 Toothman, Erica Professor of Instruction
Sociology Undergraduate Program Director
Aging and the Life Course
 Tuntiya, Nana Associate Professor of Instruction  Medical Sociology, Mental Health, Political Sociology
Turnbull, Brian

Associate Professor of Instruction
ISS Undergraduate Program Director
Sarasota-Manatee campus

Social Change, Political Sociology, Qualitative Methodology
 Tyson, Will Professor Education, Race, Class, and Gender, Stratification/ Mobility 

Emeritus Faculty

Name Title Research Areas
Benford, Robert D.  Professor Emeritus Environmental Sociology, Collective Behavior/Social Movements, Social Psychology
Greek, Cecil Associate Professor Emeritus Qualitative Methodology, Social Theory, Deviance
 Kleiman, Michael Associate Professor Emeritus Medical Sociology, Quantitative Methodology, Statistics
 Loseke, Donileen  Professor Emeritus Emotions, Cultural Sociology, Qualitative Methodology
Mayberry, Maralee Professor Emeritus
Teaching and Learning in Sociology, Education, LGBT Youth
Stamps, David  Professor Emeritus Community, Urban Sociology, Racial and Ethnic Relations


Visiting and Adjunct Instructors

Name Title Research Areas
Blackwell, Rebecca Adjunct Instructor Immigration, Health & Illness, Social Psychology
Geiss, Carley Adjunct Instructor  
Klein, Alissa Visiting Instructor  
Schuler, Heidi Adjunct Instructor Educational Inequalities, Family Stratification, Childhood & Youth
Sprenger, Audrey Adjunct Instructor  
Voelkl, Gary Adjunct Instructor  

Research Associates and Postdoctoral Scholars

Name Title Research Areas