Research and Scholarship Highlights
2023 Highlights

Dr. David Himmelgreen, CAFSCH. Hillsborough Co. & AAAS Fellow

Dr. Valerie (Jody) Harwood, IB, Hillsborough Co. Grant

Dr. Catherine A. Bénéteau, Math & Statistics. NSF Conf. Grant

Dr. Dmytro Savchok, Math & Stats. NSF Conf. Grant

Dr. Kaiqi Xiong, Math & Stats. NSF Grant

Dr. Denis Karaiska, Physics. WEO, LLC

Dr. Martin Muschol, Physics. NIH Grant

Dr. Jianjun Pan, Physics. WEO, LLC Grant

Dr. Ghanim Ullah, Physics. NIH Grant

Dr. Zaib un Misa Aziz, History. Bodleian Libraries-Sassoon Fellowship

Dr. John Parkinson, IB. Sea of Change Foundation

Dr. Angela Crist, FL. Inst. of Gov't., Florida State Grant

Dr. Mark Rains, Geology, FL DEP Grant

Dr. James McHale, Family Studies Ctr., Juvenile Wefare Board of Pinellas Co.

Dr. Shawn Landry, Geology, Orange Co. FL

Dr. Luanne Prevost, IB, Educ. Develop. Ctr.

Dr. George Nolas, Physics, US Dept. of Energy

Dr. Ivan Oleynik, Physics, US Dept. of Energy

Dr. Jacob Gayles, Physics, Max Plank Inst for Chemical Physics