Center for Marketing and Sales Innovation
Sales Research

Nathaniel “Nate” Hartmann joined the Muma College of Business and the School of Marketing and Innovation in the Fall of 2020. Hartmann is a senior researcher in the sales domain at the Center for Marketing and Sales Innovation (CMSI) and has been cited over 1,000 times in academic literature. He is well known for his article titled “Converging on a New Theoretical Foundation for Selling” which was published in the Journal of Marketing. This work is the first conceptual article published on the sales topic in a UTD24 journal in more than 30 years. The article was presented with the Maynard Award for making the strongest contribution to theory within the Journal of Marketing in the year it was published and is already considered seminal reading within the personal selling and sales management areas.
Recent Publications
Chernetsky, Victor, Douglas E. Hughes, and Wyatt Schrock (2022), “A Synthesis of Research on the Marketing-Sales Interface,” forthcoming at Industrial Marketing Management.
Malshe, Avinash, Douglas E. Hughes, Valerie Good, and Scott Friend (2022), “Marketing Strategy Implementation Impediments and Remedies: A Multi-Level Theoretical Framework within the Sales-Marketing Interface,” forthcoming at International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Good, Valerie, Douglas E. Hughes, Ahmet Kirca, and Sean McGrath (2022), “A Self-Determination Theory-Based Meta-Analysis on the Differential Effects of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation on Salesperson Performance,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50 (3), 586-614.
- Good, Valerie, Douglas E. Hughes, and Hao Wang (2021), “More Than Money: Establishing the Importance of a Sense of Purpose for Salespeople,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
- Schrock, Wyatt, Douglas E. Hughes, Clay Voorhees, Yanhui Zhao, and John Hollenbeck (2021), "Self-oriented competitiveness in salespeople: Sales management implications,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
- Lussier, B., Philp, M., Hartmann, N.N., and Wieland, H. (2021). Sales Anxiety and Salesperson Performance: The Roles of Mindful Acceptance and Perceived Sales Manager Support. Journal of Business Research, 124 (January), 112-125.
- Hartmann, N.N., and Lussier, B. (2020). Managing the Sales Force through the Unexpected Exogenous COVID-19 Crisis. Status. Industrial Marketing Management, 88 (July), 101-111.
- Hartmann, N.N., Plouffe, C., Kohsuwan, P., and Cote, J. (2020). Salesperson Influence Tactics and the Buyer Purchase Decision: The Mediating Role of Buying Agent Trust and Moderating Role of Buyer Agent Regulatory Orientation Focus. Industrial Marketing Management, 87 (May), 31-46.
- Hammond RW. Sales Student Preconceptions and a Novel Approach to Sales Curriculum Mapping: Insights, Implications, and Application for Sales Educators. Journal of Marketing Education. 2020;42(3):304-323.
- Hammond RW. Avoiding the Carnage: A Guidebook Through Sales Transformation. Informing Science Press. 2018