Park, J., Miller, C. A., Sanjeevan, T., Van Hell, J. G., Weiss, D. J., & Mainela-Arnold, E. (2021). Non-linguistic cognitive measures as predictors of functionally-defined developmental language disorder in monolingual and bilingual children. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders.
Park, J., Miller, C. A., Sanjeevan, T., Van Hell, J. G., Weiss, D. J., & Mainela-Arnold, E. (2020). Bilingualism and processing speed in typically developing children and children with developmental language disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63(5), 1479-1493. (highlighted in the ASHA Now E-newsletter, June 16, 2020).
Park, J., Miller, C. A., Sanjeevan, T., Van Hell, J. G., Weiss, D. J., & Mainela-Arnold, E.
(2019). Bilingualism and attention in typically developing children and children with
developmental language disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,
62(11), 4105-4118.
Park, J., Miller, C. A., Rosenbaum, D. A., Sanjeevan, T., Van Hell, J. G., Weiss, D. J., & Mainela-Arnold, E. (2018). Bilingualism and procedural learning in typically developing children and children with language impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61(3), 634-644.
Park, J., Ellis Weismer, S. & Kaushanskaya, M. (2018). Changes in executive function over time in bilingual and monolingual school-aged children. Developmental Psychology, 54(10), 1842-1853.
Kaushanskaya, M., Park, J., Gangopadhyay, I., Davidson, M. M., & Ellis Weismer, S. (2017). The relationship between executive functions and language abilities in children: A latent variables approach. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60(4), 912-923.
Park, J., Miller, C. A., & Mainela-Arnold, E. (2015). Processing speed measures as clinical markers for children with language impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 58(3), 954–960.
Park, J., Mainela-Arnold, E., & Miller, C. A. (2015). Information processing speed as a predictor of IQ in children with and without specific language impairment in grades 3 and 8. Journal of Communication Disorders, 53, 57–69.
Poll, G. H., Miller, C. A., Mainela-Arnold, E., Adams, K. D., Misra, M., & Park, J. (2013). Effects of children's working memory capacity and processing speed on their sentence imitation performance. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 48(3), 329-42.
Mainela-Arnold, E., Misra, M., Miller, C., Poll, G.H., & Park, J. (2011). Investigating sentence processing and language segmentation in explaining children's performance on a sentence span task. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 47(2), 166-75.
Laasonen, M., & Park, J. (2022). Chapter 3. Kielellisten vaikeuksien riski- ja suojaavat tekijät (Risk and protective factors for developmental language disorder). In S. Kunnari., & M. Laasonen. (Eds.), Lasten kielelliset vaikeudet (ja niiden kuntoutus) [Child language disorders (and their intervention)]. PS-KUSTANNUS, PL.