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This Is My Brave: College Edition offers USF students the opportunity to combat mental health stigma
Breaking down the stigma around seeking mental healthcare is vital to saving lives. This Is My Brave is poised to tackle that stigma at a critical time.
January 25, 2022College News, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, Mental Health Law and Policy

ABA master's student receives 2022 BCOTB fellowship
Kayla Coogle, a student in the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) online master’s program, received a fellowship offered through BCOTB in Tampa.
January 24, 2022Child and Family Studies, College News

RMHC hosts coffee hour with Fulbright Scholar
Ming Hung Wang, PhD, CRC shared the history of the disability rights movement in Taiwan along with the evolution of the special education and vocational rehabilitation systems, both modeled after systems in the US.
January 24, 2022Child and Family Studies, College News

Co-founder of ABA program establishes legacy gift
Professor Emeritus in the Department of Child and Family Studies Dr. Hewitt B. "Rusty" Clark and his spouse, Rebecca Clark, have graciously named our college in their will.
January 18, 2022Child and Family Studies, College News

Nominations open for 2022 Dean's Awards for faculty and students
Dean's Awards nominations are now being accepted.
January 18, 2022College News

MHLP professor joins ASHA podcast
Khary Rigg, PhD joined the official podcast for the American Speech and Hearing Association, ASHA Voices, for a discussion on opioid misuse and hearing healthcare.
January 18, 2022College News, Mental Health Law and Policy

Casting call: This Is My Brave - College Edition, A OneUSF Production
USF students with a story to share about mental health via poetry, original music, comedy, essay, dance, or other artistic expression are invited to audition for This Is My Brave – College Edition, a OneUSF Production.
January 18, 2022College News, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, Mental Health Law and Policy

School of Social Work professor emeritus dies at 80
School of Social Work Professor Emeritus Marion Becker died on December 16, 2021, from a heart attack. Dr. Becker left a long-lasting impact on many people and our college and will be truly missed.
January 11, 2022College News, School of Social Work

Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders welcomes interim chair
Nathan Maxfield, PhD, CCC-SLP, recently stepped into the role of interim chair of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.
January 11, 2022College News, Communication Sciences and Disorders