Teacher Certification
Certification Course List
The courses listed below are offered by the College of Education for initial certification, the addition of a subject area to an existing teaching certificate, or renewal of a valid teaching certificate.
Please note, you will need to check with your district and/or the Florida Department of Education to determine if the courses you select will meet certification requirements.
The Florida Department of Education website lists various types of recertification options on their Florida Educator Certification Renewal Requirements webpage.
Teaching Students with Disabilities
EBD 6246 Educating Students with Autism
This course is designed to aid participants in developing the knowledge and skills
necessary to support the learning of children with autism spectrum disorders including
instructional strategies, classroom organization, and teaming with families and professionals.
EEX 6248 Instructional Approaches for Exceptional Populations
In-depth study of instructional strategies that are effective when teaching students
with emotional disturbance, mental retardation, and learning disabilities. Content
includes techniques for curriculum adaptation, IEP development; direct, data-based
and metacognitive strategy instruction; and micro-computer applications
EEX 6619 Positive Behavior Support Low Incidence Intellectual Disab. & ASD
Disabilities Knowledge and skills necessary to develop, implement, and evaluate the
impact of positive behavior support for students with s/pintellect. disab and/or autism
spectrum disorder. Communicative function of challenging behaviors, teaching new skills
& prevention.
EEX 4070 Integrating Exceptional Students in the Regular Classroom
Designed for non-special education majors. Includes basic identification techniques
and strategies to promote academic and social integration and interaction of "mainstreamed"
exceptional students on current field experience projects are included.
Classroom management including safe learning environments
EDE 6506 Managing and Differentiating the Instructional Environment in Elementary Schools (Classroom
Management for Elementary program)
Examines the legal issues affecting classroom/school management, school safety and
professional ethics. Explores research and knowledge of best practices and a variety
of teaching and management strategies for a diverse elementary classroom setting.
Term Offered: Fall
ESE 4322 Classroom Management for Diverse Schools and Society 3 credits:
Focuses on classroom management in secondary schools including classroom climate,
specific strategies to address management issues, school safety, violence, diversity,
ethics, and educational law.
ESE 5344 Classroom Management (Middle and High School Programs)
This course covers practical, theoretical, philosophical and ethical aspects of school
and society, the education profession, and secondary schools with particular focus
on classroom management, school violence, school safety, educational law and other
critical social issues.
Term Offered: Summer
Human development and learning
EDF 6211 Psychological Foundations of Education
Selected topics in psychology of human development and learning, related to schools
and educational settings.
Term Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer
Educational assessment to include the content measured by state achievement tests and the interpretation and utilization of data to improve student achievement
EDF 6432 Foundations of Measurement
Basic measurement concepts, role of measurement in education, construction of teacher-made
tests and other classroom assessments, interpretation of standardized tests, and fundamental
descriptive statistics for use in test interpretation.
Term Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer
EDF 4430 Measurement for Teachers 3 credits:
Concepts and skills related to designing and developing classroom tests; evaluating
tests, instruction, and student progress; and communicating student achievement. Including
application of performance assessment techniques and computer applications for measuring
and assessing pupil progress. Application of Research-based instructional practices
in reading
RED 4333 Content are Reading 3 credits:
In-depth study of reading comprehension, cognition and learning, metacognition, reading
and writing in the content areas. Candidates learn research supported comprehension
strategies and procedures applicable to content area reading.
Effective instructional strategies including the needs of diverse learners
EDE 6326 Instructional Planning for Diverse Learners (Elementary programs)
Introduction to the theories and practices that support children's learning. Includes
accessing resources that support teaching, developing lessons, designing appropriate
assessments, and the elements that influence instructional decision-making.
Term Offered: Summer
ESE 5342 Teaching the Adolescent Learner (Middle and HS programs)
Emphasis is placed on adolescent developmental and learning needs linking them to
practices in the classroom appropriate to the diverse secondary education population
(ESOL, special education, multicultural, at-risk, etc.) in preparation for planning
responsive standards-based instruction.
Term Offered: Summer 2021 and Spring 2022
ESE 4341 Secondary Teaching methods 3 credits:
This course prepares pre-service teachers by developing an understanding of the foundations
of the social sciences, science, and English. Pre-service teachers will explore &
describe concepts as well as demonstrate knowledge of methods in their discipline.
Curriculum and special methods of teaching the subject area
LAE 6339 Methods of Teaching Secondary English Language Arts
Balanced literacy methods for integrating reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing,
and critical thinking activities into a literature-based program for secondary school
students. Note: This course has a field component of 36 hours.
Term Offered: Fall
This course provides prospective middle school teachers with initial skills to develop
an inquiry-based learning environment that facilitates high academic achievement for
all students, focusing on curriculum and learning at the task and lesson level.
Term Offered: Fall
This course provides prospective middle school teachers with advanced skills to develop
an inquiry-based learning environment that facilitates high academic achievement for
all students, focusing on assessment and learning at unit and semester levels.
Term Offered: Spring
Methods for teaching number ideas, computation skills, and mathematical reasoning
in elementary (K – 6) classrooms.
Term Offered: Fall and Spring
Students will learn methods for teaching number ideas, computation skills, and mathematical
reasoning in elementary (K – 6) classrooms. Students will learn mathematical content
knowledge and mathematical pedagogical knowledge for teaching algebraic thinking,
fraction concepts, fraction operations, the relationship between decimal-percent,
and an introduction to proportional thinking.
Term Offered: Spring and Summer
Students will develop mathematical content knowledge and mathematical pedagogical
knowledge for teaching elementary students (K-6): measurement concepts, geometric
thinking & reasoning concepts, concepts of data & statistics and probability. Students
will learn how to develop integrated STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
lessons at the elementary (K-6) level.
Term Offered: Summer and Fall
Elementary, ESOL, & Exceptional Student Education methods for teaching, diagnosing,
and remediating problem solving; numeration systems; whole number concepts and computation;
fraction, decimal, and percent concepts and computation. Includes research perspectives.
Term Offered: Fall
MAE 6356 Teaching of Pre-Secondary School Mathematics
Development of strategies and materials for teaching mathematical concepts and skills
appropriate to pre-secondary school years.
Term Offered: Fall
MAE 6362 Senior High Mathematics Methods
This course is designed to prepare teachers for a successful induction to teaching
mathematics in the high schools of today. It is designed to bridge the perceived gap
between theory and practice.
Term Offered: Spring
SCE 5325 Methods of Middle Grades Science Education
Prepares 5-9 science teachers to teach science skills, content; interrelationship,
applications of science as a human endeavor; nature of science; instructional methods;
nature scientific inquiry; development of science process skills; integration of subject
areas; & assessment.
Term Offered: Fall or Spring
SCE 5337 Methods of Secondary Science Education
Course concentrates on goals, subject matter teaching strategies for high school curricula;
assessment and using data to improve student achievement; and development pedagogical
content knowledge as it pertains to the teaching and learning of science.
Term Offered: Fall or Spring
SSE 5331 Foundations, Curriculum and Instruction of Social Science Education
Social studies curriculum, methods of instruction and social, philosophical and psychological
foundations are examined. Students are expected to plan and present instructional
plan(s) appropriate to middle and secondary school levels demonstrating command of
the course content.
Term Offered: Fall
SSE 5332 Methods and Strategies in Social Science Education
Social studies methods and strategies are examined with an emphasis on the secondary
school environment. The teaching profession, school settings, and current issues are
examined. Students are expected to plan and present instructional plan(s) appropriate
to senior high school demonstrating command of the course content.
Term Offered: Spring
SSE 6617 Trends in K-6 Social Science Education
This course focuses on theoretical foundations and strategies employed by effective
social studies teachers in motivating K-6 aged children to acquire the information,
skills, and reasoning unique to the social sciences. Consideration will be given to
addressing the individual needs of a diverse student population.
Term Offered: Summer
Foundations of research-based practices in teaching reading in the content area
MAE 6643 Communication Skills in Mathematics
This course examines issues related to communicating in mathematics, including reading,
writing, speaking, and listening. It satisfies the reading in the content area mandate
for certification.
Term Offered: Summer
SCE 5564 Reading and Communication in Science Education
This course prepares secondary science teachers to teach literacy practices in science.
It includes methods for selecting appropriate reading and language approaches. Communication
in science and functional aspects of scientific literacy are examined.
Term Offered: Fall or Spring
SSE 5641 Reading and Basic Skills in the Content Area (Social Science)
Reading skills and the other basic skills as applied to the social studies are examined.
Students are expected to plan and present instructional plan(s) appropriate to the
social studies classroom demonstrating command of the course content. Fieldwork in
a middle school is required.
Term Offered: Fall or Spring
Applications of research-based instructional practices in reading
RED 6365 Disciplinary Literacies and Reading
Compares the reading, writing, thinking, and discourse across various professional
and educational learning contexts. Students research and implement their learning
into various disciplinary discourse communities.
Term offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer
RED 6749 History & Foundations in Reading STEM
Introduces historical approaches to literacy, traces the history of science/STEM
movement in Education, presents connections between current research and practice
and former models in literacy, and their deployment with STEM areas of curriculum.
Term Offered: Fall A semesters
LAE 6315 Composing Disciplinary Texts
Examine writing as a multimodal, communicative practice embedded in social, cultural,
and disciplinary contexts. Demonstrate strategies to facilitate K-12 students’ writing
development as well as develop leadership skills to support writing teachers.
Term Offered: Fall A semesters
RED 6540 Assessment in Developing Literacies
This course is a classroom based course in pk-6 literacy assessment. Students use
reading assessments to improve reading of all pk-6 students. Students will develop
their capacity for integrating literacy assessment and intervention with in STEM content
areas for young readers.
Term Offered: Fall B semesters
RED 6658 Literacy Differentiation: Including Diversity, Reading Difficulties, & Characteristics
of Dyslexia
Topics explored include: the fundamental aspects of literacy learning and rationale,
the analytic process, reading motivation, linguistic perspectives on literacy instruction,
assessments, lesson plans, vocabulary instruction and comprehension, and differentiation
for all students including ELLs and those students with reading difficulties and characteristics
of dyslexia.
Term Offered: Fall B
RED 6544 Cognition, Comprehension, & Content Area Reading
In-depth study of reading comprehension. Emphasis is placed on discussion of the concepts
of cognition and learning, metacognition and comprehension of text included in the
reading process. Process in the reading/writing, connection, specific reading strategies,
and procedures for comprehension of text in the content areas are presented.
Term Offered: Spring A
RED 6545 Issues in Vocabulary & Word Study
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an understanding of current
theory and research about reading and writing vocabulary instruction and the interactive
causes of literacy disabilities.
Term Offered: Spring A
RED 6247 Supervision & Coaching in Literacy
Planning and administering literacy programs and preparation as coaches in reading
within STEM area content courses. Intensive work on individual research and projects
with a focus of integrating literacy strategies in STEM area content courses.
Term Offered: Spring A
RED 6656 Literature for a Diverse Society
Focuses on the examination of historical and contemporary multicultural children’s,
adolescent and young adult literature in order gain a pluralistic perspective of society.
On-line course requires intensive writing and how to write in an Academic Voice.
Term Offered: Summer
RED 6449 Literacy & Technology
Students will develop the skills and cultural competencies necessary to engage in
participatory culture and develop strategies for integrating digital tools and media
literacies into school and school-like settings.
Term Offered: Summer
RED 6365 Disciplinary Literacies and Reading
Compares the reading, writing, thinking, and discourse across various professional
and educational learning contexts. Students research and implement their learning
into various disciplinary discourse communities.
Term Offered: Summer & Fall
Instructional strategies for teaching students of limited English proficiency including instruction in the English language and development of the student's mastery of the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing
Note: Teaching experience cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.
TSL 4324 ESOL Competencies and Strategies & TSL 5325 ESOL Strategies for Content Area
Teachers (Middle and High School Programs)
This course is designed for preservice and inservice teachers to prepare to teach
culturally and linguistically responsive instruction, assessment, and learning opportunities
for English learners in the content areas. This will include an overview of issues
as they relate to linguistic diversity and preparation for multilevel and inclusive
Term Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer
TSL 4080 ESOL Curriculum and Pedagogy & TSL 5085 ESOL I: Theory and Practice of Teaching English Language Learners
This course is designed to prepare pre-service and in-service teachers to provide
linguistically and culturally appropriate instruction, learning opportunities, and
assessment for English Learners (ELs) in grades K-12.
Term Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer
TSL 4251 Applying Linguistics to ESOL Teaching and Testing & TSL 5242 Language Principles,
Acquisition, and Assessment for English Learners
This course provides an overview of the components of language, linking them to methods
and techniques in providing comprehensible instruction to English learners. Designed
for pre-service and in-service teachers, this course supports the development of professional
literacy skills geared toward appropriate pedagogical practices for the instruction
of ELs.