
Biomedical Imaging & Bioelectronics

Biomedical imaging involves the development and evaluation of processes, techniques, and instrumentation to enable visualization and optical manipulation of cells and tissues in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo.

Bioelectronics includes research into the area of understanding electrical pathways and communication between cells and developing approaches for electronic control of physiological function.

Department Research Faculty

Dr. Richard Heller

Richard Heller, PhD
Medical Engineering


Mark Jaroszeski, PhD
Medical Engineering

Huabei Jiang

Huabei Jiang, PhD
Medical Engineering

Christopher Passaglia

Christopher Passaglia, PhD
Medical Engineering

George Spirou

George Spirou, PhD
Medical Engineering

Affiliated Research Faculty

Summer Decker

Summer Decker, PhD

Jonathan Ford

Jonathan Ford, PhD

Dmitry Goldgof

Dmitry Goldgof, PhD
Computer Science

Andrew Hoff

Andrew Hoff, Ph.D.
Electrical Engineering


Shyam Mohapatra, PhD
Internal Medicine

Stephen Saddow

Stephen Saddow, PhD
Electrical Engineering

Slyvia Thomas

Sylvia Thomas, PhD
Electrical Engineering

Samuel Wickline

Samuel Wickline, MD
Internal Medicine

Anna Pyayt

Anna Pyayt, PhD

Dr. Radouil

Radouil Tzekov, PhD

Dr. Voronine

Dmitri Voronine, PhD

Dr. Wang

Mike Cai Wang, PhD
Mechanical Engineering