Scholarship Administration (USF Staff Only)


Access to scholarship fund and student award information requires completion of FERPA/Security Training in GEMS. 

Banner Enhanced Access: My USF -> Business Systems -> OASIS (Staff)

  • Access requires completed Banner, BDM, and Degree Works Access Request and FERPA training must be completed in GEMS
  • Approval requires
    • For non – USF Foundation funds -
      • Accountable officer (AO) or designated staff with Banner access - AO must email Steve Runion ( the approval and include the FAST chart field used to track scholarship expenses. The chart field will be used to verify the AO
    • For USF Foundation funds:
      • An AO must send Kristi Laribee ( a request for staff to assist with scholarship administration.
      • This request should include a description of the awarding unit (e.g., College, Department) responsible for administering the funds and how the awarding unit plans to award and reconcile in Banner
  • Access to additional Banner Financial Aid pages
  • Access to export spreadsheets from Banner Financial Aid pages to assist with awarding and payment reconciliation by aid year, fund, term
  • Thank you letter tracking 
  • Access to input scholarship awards directly into Banner Financial Aid pages (must be requested and approved based on fund type) 

Scholarship Power BI Workspace Access: My USF->Email & Teams-> USF Office 365->Apps->Power BI->Workspaces

  • Fund Monitoring – all funds, Scholarship Name, Fund Code, Disbursement Requirements
  • Fund Reconciliation – All students awards; Paid vs. Unpaid, Enrollment status, Terms and Conditions (T&C))/Thank You Letter (TYL) requirements 
  • Scheduled Daily Updates
  • Additional Reports available up on request

Scholarship Administrative Reports - Login (Authorized Users) – See Scholarship Administrative Guide

Active Power BI Workspaces:

  • OFA - Arts and Sciences
  • OFA - Behavioral and Community Sciences
  • OFA - Business
  • OFA - Education
  • OFA - Engineering
  • OFA - Foundation
  • OFA - Graduate Studies
  • OFA - Honors
  • OFA - Marine Science
  • OFA - Medicine
  • OFA - Nursing
  • OFA - Publich Health
  • OFA - Student Success
  • OFA - Tampa Library
  • OFA - The Arts
  • OFA - Undergraduate Studies
  • OFA - USF World
  • OFA - USFP
  • OFA - USFS