Digital Learning Resources

Interaction & Engagement Tools

Interaction is a critical component for engaging your students and cultivating a learning environment. The following tools can be used to optimize interaction within your course and help to build an online community of learners.

Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere is powerful polling tool enabling you to infuse a higher level of engagement into your live Teams sessions and/or your Canvas course. It offers a variety of activities including word clouds, interactive images, standard surveys, and live game-based competitions.

Getting Started with Poll Everywhere


Padlet is a digital bulletin board where students can create and share digital content.

Getting Started with Padlet

perusall (1.1)

Perusall is a platform allowing students, and faculty, to annotate readings with text, links, and embedded content. Please note that USF currently utilizes Perusall v1.1. 

Getting Started with Perusall