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Teresa Greely with students at Oceanography Camp for Girls

Oceanography Camp for Girls Unveils New Website

We are thrilled to debut the Oceanography Camp for Girls new website.

August 4, 2018News

Credit: Christopher Kimmel, Getty Images

Why Don’t the Geosciences Have More Diversity?

One factor may be minorities’ lack of significant childhood experience with outdoor spaces.

August 3, 2018Diversity, News

Strange Evidence - Underwater Alien

Teresa Greely, calls out the ‘alien’ as a squid

An oil rig’s service cam 8,000 ft. underwater spots this unknown creature.

July 30, 2018News

High-Resolution multibeam maps to identify essential habitats on the west Florida coast shelf. Image Credit C-SCAMP Project

Florida researchers team to map entire Florida coast, wildlife habitats

The USF College of Marine Science is teaming up with the Florida Institute of Oceanography to map the entire Florida coast, as well as gather data on fish spawning areas in the state’s coastal waters.

July 24, 2018News

 A picture taken in April shows sargassum seaweed on the French Caribbean Island of Guadeloupe. Helene Valenzuela /AFP/Getty Images

Masses Of Seaweed Threaten Fisheries And Foul Beaches

Masses of brown seaweed, sometimes a few clumps, often big mounds, line the shore.

July 23, 2018News

Red snapper next to pipeline

USF CMS Research Team Working as Part of the Cooperative Red Snapper Count

The study is Gulf-wide, extending from Texas to the Dry Tortugas west of the Florida Keys, and seeks to combine technologies and survey approaches to better estimate the size and structure of Red Snapper populations throughout the Gulf of Mexico.

July 10, 2018News

2010 BP Deep Horizon oil spill

Seven Year Study Reveals Data to Protect Oceans Against Future Oil Spills

Researchers just published results of a seven-year study, recording the most comprehensive data available of marine life throughout the entire Gulf of Mexico.

July 8, 2018News

USF CMS alumna Inia Soto Ramos

GRIIDC Hires USF CMS Alumna Inia Soto Ramos to Specialize in Ocean Satellite Data

In her new role with the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative (GRIIDC), she will work as a data curator to review scientific data sets on their way to the GRIIDC ERDDAP server.

July 6, 2018News

Image from NASA's MODIS satellite for October 2011, showing the Gulf Stream Eddy targeted in the study, picked out by surface chlorophyll (credit NASA)

Gulf Steam Eddies supply iron to the iron-starved North Atlantic Gyre

Understanding the role of metals in ocean ecosystems is thus a research priority for a number of faculty at the USF College of Marine Science, and internationally.

July 2, 2018News

Lightning Awareness Week

Next week is Lightning Awareness Week

Tropical storms have been on the move since May, a little earlier than usual this year, and right now is as good a time as ever to brush up on your lightning safety protocols.

June 21, 2018News

Seaweed in Delray Beach (David Fleshler/Sun Sentinel)

Heading to the beach? Get ready for thick, slimy seaweed

The reason for the heavy growth of seaweed remains unclear, said Chuanmin Hu, of the University of South Florida.

June 20, 2018News

Pamela Hallock Muller, Professor - Geological Oceanography

Single-celled architects headline the upcoming “FORAMS 2018” conference in Scotland

Pamela Hallock Muller has studied foraminifera since the mid ‘70s when she was first introduced to them during her graduate studies by other grad students at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

June 19, 2018News

Mission Statement

Our blue planet faces a suite of challenges and opportunities for understanding and innovation. Our mission is to advance understanding of the interconnectivity of ocean systems and human-ocean interactions using a cross-disciplinary approach, to empower the next workforce of the blue economy with a world-class education experience, and to share our passion for a healthy environment and science-informed decision-making with community audiences near and far.