News Articles
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

Sea urchin killer spreads to new species, region
A deadly parasite that decimated sea urchin populations in the Caribbean has spread to coral reefs in the Sea of Oman and threatens populations around the world.
March 25, 2024News

CMS researchers use art as dynamic tool for science communication
How art can be used as a powerful tool by scientists to communicate science effectively, provide fresh perspectives, and make complex ideas more understandable.
March 22, 2024Community Engagement, News

Rising Tides - February 2024
View some of the highlights in the Rising Tides Newsletter, February 2024 edition.
February 29, 2024Rising Tides Newsletter

Hungry herbivores threaten subtropical seagrass meadows
Tropical herbivores, which are on the move due to ocean warming, could harm subtropical seagrass meadows that are less resilient to overgrazing.
February 26, 2024News

USF to tackle environmental challenges through new initiative with Tampa Bay Wave and the St. Petersburg Innovation District
USF continues to strengthen its collaboration with Tampa Bay Wave and the St. Petersburg Innovation District through the creation of a new program that addresses some of the nation’s most pressing environmental concerns.
February 21, 2024News, Resiliency News

Frank Müller-Karger, Distinguished University Professor, recognized for pioneering scientific research and leadership
From whale research to satellite-based remote sensing, Frank Müller-Karger has earned recognition as a Distinguished University Professor at the University of South Florida.

CMS celebrates 40 years of Graduate Student Symposiums
The breadth of topics covered during the 2024 Graduate Student Symposium illustrates the impressive scope of science conducted at the College of Marine Science.
February 13, 2024Blogs and Perspectives

Six CMS students awarded the 2024 SAML student award
Six students from the USF College of Marine Science are recipients of the SAML Student Awards for 2024.
January 30, 2024Awards, Blogs and Perspectives

CMS in the News 2023
The USF College of Marine Science news team is dedicated to sharing USF CMS's research to local, regional, and global audiences. View CMS in the news for 2023.
December 18, 2023CMS in the News

Rising Tides - December 2023
View some of the highlights in the Rising Tides Newsletter, December 2023 edition.
December 15, 2023Rising Tides Newsletter

Ocean research cruise trains tomorrow’s marine scientists through hands-on fieldwork
Oceanographic education and research combined for students aboard the five-day CORE cruise on the Florida Institute of Oceanography’s R/V Weatherbird II.
December 14, 2023Blogs and Perspectives, News

Graduate makes waves mapping the seafloor
Catalina Rubiano is part of the first cohort to graduate from the College of Marine Science with the new hydrography (seafloor mapping) concentration.
December 8, 2023News